someone's scent

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vanoss pov

as I was watching TV a scent caught my attention it was coming closer and closer I got up and ran to the door opening it to see lui. "what...lui? is there someone with you I can smell them but..."I look around to see if I can find the scent once again. stopping and seeing lui confused waiting for me to move so he can get in the room.

after letting lui in I can tell that the scent is on him but only a little this pissed me off. after seeing lui start shaking I realizes that I was growling at him."sorry lui I didn't know I was growling it's just you have a scent on you that's making me go crazy for it."

lui stops shaking and he looks like he knows the scent i'm talking about, but it seems like he doesn't want to tell me."lui what are you hiding, I don't like the fact that you know who it is but wont tell me." I say a bit pissed. he still looks like he's not going to tell me.

I jump him growling an pin him to the ground. "LUI YOU DON'T JUST GO AND FIND MY MATE AND HIDE THEM FROM ME! YOU NOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FUCK WITH A PERSONS MATE! "he starts flipping out trying to get out of my hold. "TELL ME NOW LUI ! "

nogla,moo and wildcat burst Through the door pulling me off lui and trying to calm us both down shouting things like 'what happen' 'what did you do' 'see if there both ok' but I didn't care I want to know where and who my mate is.

I push nogla off me and glare at lui. "lui tell me where I can find my mate now."i say while I clench my fists."wait..lui your hiding vanoss's mate from him why are you doing something like that?"nogla asked confused now everyone's looking at lui.

lui starts looking down at the floor still shaking a bit. "vanoss your mate is a human even you said that you rather not know if they turn out to be human." he starts biting his lip to stop him self from crying.

I calm down and look at lui showing him that i'm not mad anymore. "your right I did say that but when I was thanking about it I started to not care I just wanted my mate by me. that's all I want." I smile at lui thanking him.

but lui still looked sad. he was looking at me but he was not looking me in my eyes."v-vanoss...your mate seems to already have someone else. when we came a cross each other he held on to this other shifter closely but not only that, the other shifter he was probably ohm's mate. but he didn't go to ohm but he kept your mate safe and close be hind him. vanoss that shifter chose your mate over his own. do you thank your mate will just drop him and pick you instead?"

I didn't know what was happening all I was seeing was red I felt pissed,sad and lonely but worst of all I felt my heart shattering it hurts. 'I want my mate please let me at least see there face, hold them once and hear them say my name.' I don't know what to do.

I start shouting throwing chairs and punches at anything and everything. I fell everyone trying to hold me down even mini and basically came to help. I can't stop my self it hurts so much.

not wanting to be held down I shift. I try and fly but there holding on to me I sink my talons in to someone and I hear them hiss in pain. I start to fell exhausted so I stop and shift back and I just completely brake down crying,cursing and just completely give up.

the guy are here hugging and telling me everything is ok and that they are here for me. i'm glad that they are but the one that I want to be here the most is my mate.

I wake up and see all the guys in the room some even sleeping on the floor. 'there still here even after I went and fucking attack them.' I sigh in to my hands 'thank goodness that there still here I don't know what ill do with out them.'

I see wildcat get up and look at me his eyes going big."vanoss you ok man. we did push you down quite hard." i look at my self and fill my arm's a bit stiff but nothing to bad 'my heart fill's a thousand times worse.' I look at wildcat and see his arm covered up.

"shit wildcat i'm sorry I just.."wildcat cut me off "dude you where going through way worse than any of us could imagine this little scratch will heal up soon anyway."I look at him nod my head thanking him.

after a little while all the guy's started waking up asking if i'm ok and all. I told them all i'm fine but still a little hurt. they nod but they still look worried for me. we all get up and ready to go out to get something to eat but on the way down I smell the scent it's stronger but it seems that it's not coming from my mate. if it's not my mate than it going to be the bastard that stole him from me.

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