_miss me?_

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-Leslie arrived home and is now in her house staying with her friend Mariam and Mariam tries to help Leslie remember quickly because jake has a change of plans.-

Mariam's POV
"Why don't you remember what he did to you?! He hurt you abused!! You and your telling me you cant remember? How else did you get your bruises?!" I shouted angrily at Leslie she doesn't know what she's getting her self into.

"He never abused me, someone jumped me and knocked over my head that's how it happened! I think you should be supporting me instead of telling me what not to do!" She screamed back. "Is that what he told you?!" I almost cried but I pulled myself together so I just apologized but I didn't understand why?, "why do you want to go with him to San Antonio? , you have school an-" I got cut off  "he thinks it'll be nice if we went on our own for a while and I think so too, I came up with the idea! And I always wanted to visit there I'll wait till school is done..." She continues talking but I this point I saw something by her neck.

Leslie's POV

"Is done and I'll tell my father that I-" I got cut off. "What is that?" Mariam say worriedly "what?" I said with a nervous smile on my face. She comes closer "that cut, it looks new?" she says as if she knew "no it must be from the knife the guy that jumped me used" I lied "I thought jake said it was a bat?" She looked at me confused. I didn't know what to do I panicked "he threatened you again didn't he? You remember don't you?! Did you even have amnesia?" She yelled. the gig was up I got found out,

"I did"I started "I did at first, but after I got into the car with jake he started acting differently and started yelling that he knew I was faking it and hit me, I just had all these flash backs of what happened came back to me he told me that I was gonna regret if I left him so I told him we could leave town thought it was easier just to pretend I had amnesia so it would be easier for me to leave and I'm sorry for lying to you and I know I shouldn't hav-" I was stopped by a hug "please don't ever do that don't ever scare me like that!" Mariam said while hugging me tightly. "I'm sorry" I said as I hugged back. <I guess my only option is to run away> I thought as I knew I had no choice but I still have till the end of the school year so I guess I'll make the most out of it.

We broke up our hug and i tried to avoid the whole thing, I'm hungry" I said with a smile in my face whipping off my tears "I'm in the mood for Chinese food" I said as I pulled out their websites menu. I ordered my food and Mariam's and we waited while watching Netflix. Ding Dong' I heard the door bell go off "I'll get it" said Mariam. As she opens the door her face expression changed "Seriously?! Just leave!" Shouted Mariam. I was confused "what did they deliver the wrong order" I said jokingly once I saw who it was I just said "..or not" and quickly rushed back to the couch while trying to over hear their conversation.

Andys POV
"Thanks manny" I said as I left the building and got into his car. <fuck> I thought, I had so many mixed emotions. Did Oliver like Mariam too? I mean he only met her coincidentally while driving by. Looks like I have competition I thought. I have to make it up to her!

I got out of the car and thanked manny for the ride and bail. He looked at me weirdly and said "no problem" I looked around looking for my car by the school I got in and drove by the store knowing what to buy.

Mannys POV
"He's so weird." I thought as I saw him staring really angrily at nothing, "why do I get stuck with the weird ones" I whispered under my breath.

Andys POV
How long was I in there for? I couple of hours maybe, okay enough time wasted. I walk up to Leslie's house with a bouquet in one hand and chocolates and ring the door bell to my luck it was Miriam, her expression changed "Seriously?, Just leave!" She screamed. Before I could speak I hear Leslie in the back round saying something about an order she awkwardly tip toed out yet sticking her neck out. I continued by apologizing but she cut me off once again by slamming the door in my face. "Excuse me" I hear a voice behind me "did someone order Chinese food, for Leslie?" Looking at me scared he handed me the food. "That would be $27.68" he said, I reached for my wallet and gave him $50 as he gave me my opportunity to talk to Mariam once again. I rang the door bell again and not to surprised I saw Mariam again "Chinese?" I said as I held up the brown bag of food. "Come in!" I hear Leslie say "thanks Leslie" I said as I walked in. Mariam looked at Leslie annoyed, I didn't mind since I'm the one that hurt her. Ding dong I hear the doorbell once again I volunteered to answer in, biggest mistake of my life! As I open the door I see kevin with his eyes closed and he just kissed me. I pushed him away "WRONG PERSON!" I yelled as I was spitting out and whipping of whatever that was. Kevin looked at me grossed out "shit sorry man , fuck, shit why me ,fuckk!!" He said confused "where's Leslie?" I pointed at the couch and when I turned she wasn't there only Mariam laughing her ass off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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