Chapter two

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Blase POV

Mason flew out for the funeral thank god I need both of my brothers. I can't believe there dead. gone. I'm never gonna see them again! were sitting here at the bus stop waiting for Mason. you must be wondering what happened to the other funeral we had planned and why Mason road the bus. well we wanted Mason to be at the funeral so we had to delay it a couple of days, and I don't really know why he chose to ride the bus instead of fly I mean who wouldnt of flown its not like he's afraid of planes or something and it would have been much faster but oh well. I've been having problems sleeping at night. I get nightmares all I can see when I close my eyes to sleep is my parents getting shot. Hunter thinks I should see someone but I think I just need time so I told him to give me time. I was jumping up and down getting really impatient that his bus isn't here yet. " B calm down he will be here soon" hunter said " but I'm hungry!" I whine " we'll get you food when he gets here" I was getting to impatient so  I texted Mason to see where he was here's how the conversation went.

(m-mason b-blase)

B- Yo hobo answer me!

M- What's up B?

B- How much longer I'm getting hungry and impatient over here!!

M- Calm down B I'll be there in about 10 you should of ate before you left silly not my fault you didn't eat!! :p

B- yes it is I'm excited to see my other brother don't tell Hunt but he's been a little crazy lately! :p

M- Your secrete is safe with me sis.... now stop day dreaming about food I'll be there in a couple of mins

B- Hey don't tell me what to do!! just hurry your fat ass up!

M- I'm not fat!

B- Yes you are!

M- Fine think what you want sis

B- <3

M- <3

End of conversation

so where is he hunter asked he's just a couple minutes away. are we gonna go see the gang after we get him? Ya I texted them and told them to meet us at Red Lobster. Yay food!!!! did I mention that I love food? No? well now you know!! I was jumping up and down when masons bus pulls up. he gets off and I run and tackle him he starts laughing at me until I punch him. "HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?!" he asked but kinda yelled "THAT was for making me wait so god damn long for my food!" I said "well its not my fault the bus takes forever and you forgot to eat before you left!" he said that's when hunter came into the conversation " would you like to tell her why you road the bus in the first place or do you want me to?" he asked "I'll tell her.... B I'm moving back in with you!" he says all excitedly " WHAT OMG NO WAY IM SO HAPPY!" I was so happy I started crying it reminded me of why he got sent away in the first place "B? what's wrong hun?" he asked worriedly. " I just don't want my other half to leave me ever again" I said " you don't have to worry about that it will be me you hunt and the gang against the world no one will ever separate us again." mason says "NOW LETS GO EAT!!"Hunter yells as we get weird looks from everyone els

sorry that it took so long I have alot going on and havent thought about writing so I hope you guys are happy that I did I will try to update again soon maybe again tonight or tomorrow

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2014 ⏰

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