The trip of a lifetime

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My name is Teresa Mendoza, never in a million years would I think that I of all people would be lucky enough to win a trip to France to see one of their new bands. Little did I know that this trip would change my life forever. It all started when I went to the mall with my friend Elena, we both knew that we couldn't afford anything so we would always go to look around and scare all them rich white girls. As soon as they saw us they would always assume we were cholas, just cause we're Mexican, anyway that day they held a raffle for a ticket to go to France and a backstage pass to a French band's concert I immediately dismissed it cause I knew I wasn't gonna win but Elena insisted we signed up so we did and the lady said they'd have the results in an hour. So we waited at the food court until the hour was up, then the owner of the mall came out onto a small stage holding a paper, "And our winner is..." he unfolded the paper, "Teresa Mendoza!" and Elena turned to me and said," ey Teresa you won!" after a few seconds I processed everything, walked up to the stage and got my airplane tickets and backstage pass, then said thank you and walked back to Elena who immediately hugged me and said, "Why aren't you happy cabrona you just won!" I took a deep breath and said, "I am but I'm just shocked I mean is this really happening?" Elena turned to me and pinched my arm, "Teresa this IS happening!" I punched her, "Ay bitch that hurt!" and we both laughed as we took the bus back to east L.A.

I got home and took a shower while Elena cooked us up some food. After we ate we just sat around and talked about what France would be like. Then Elena asked, "wait who are you gonna go see?" I looked at the pass and said, "Daft Punk whoever that is" she took the pass and looked at it, "Well they're new and well what do you expect for free." She read the rest of the information and gasped, "Teresa it's this Friday your flight takes off this Friday night!" she showed me the pass I looked at it and she was right, it was this Friday night, and that was the end of that conversation, we prepared everything that night. The next week went by so fast that before I knew it it was Friday, that day I went to work like every other day, I work at a pizzeria just to make ends meet I am a delivery girl so as I was driving on my way to the customers house I was listening to the radio and the dj said, "And now our highly requested song Da Funk by Daft Punk" and the song started, it had a nice beat I liked it, then my phone rang, it was Elena, I answered and she said, "Teresa! are you listening to the radio!" "yeah Elena it's Daft Punk" "Teresa you're about to see the most popular band in America right now!" "I know and their music is pretty good too, did Pedro let you use the truck to go to the airport" "yeah, he just dropped it off right now, hey I gotta go I'll pick you up at five kay" "kay I'll be here." the hours passed and it was finally five and Elena showed up in the truck and we drove to the airport the whole ride there I felt nervous. We arrived at the airport and I thought, France here I come...

The trip of a lifetimeWhere stories live. Discover now