Kate has brought herself into jeff's world

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Chapter 4:

Jeff: I hold her in my arms as she lays asleep. She fell asleep right after she wanted to race me around the park. I run my fingers through her hair as she curls into my chest. She is so adorable when she sleeps. Yeah....I think I do like her..the way the excepts me I guess. She wakes up gently and rubs her eyes but goes back to sleep. Today has been a weird day. I stand up and carry her bridal style as I walk back to the caravan. I walk in and tuck her into bed, leaving a small plate of cookies for her on the bench for when she wakes up. U know what, I'm dead too. I crawl up next to her and sleep a foot away from her. Sweet dreams my princess.

It's midnight. I can tell because I have a clock on the wall next to the door that faces me. I go to move and once again she had found her way to me in her sleep. " wake up" I say gently nudging her. She lifts her head slowly. "I thought u would never wake up" she mumbled. "Hey" I say, trying not to sound awkward "I don't Even know ur name* she let her head fall and whispered "it's Kate, and yours". "J-Jeff" I felt so safe with her, what a cute name. Kate. I smiled and ran my finger down her smile down to the tip of her smile. She hugged around me tightly. "I'm hungryyyy" she complained giggling. "Alrightttttt" I mocked laughing. I got up and made her a Nutella sandwich and she sat up. I handed the sand which and walked out side and she followed. It was a faded darkness, u could still see if u squinted ur eyes. I sat on the floor, fondling my knife, and once again she managed to find her way to me. She sat on my lap and a wraps my arms around her waist as she ate her sandwich. "You know" she said with her mouth chopping away at her sandwich "I think I have come to terms with ur little umm...hobby I guess" she giggled. "What are u talking about" I groaned and laid back. "Your killing silly" she said finishing her sandwich and laying her head on my chest "their are so many bad people in this world....all off my friends...all of my friends....have abandoned me. All I have left is you" she looked up and kissed my cheek. Thank god it was dark because I blushed heaps. I get to kill and have the girl of my life. awesome! I sat up and held her cheek and kisses her slowly. I could feel her cheeks getting hot, but she kissed me back. "I...I love you" I whispered. "I love you too, Jeffery" she laid her head on my shoulder and I ran my fingers through her hair. "Do..do you wanna learn how to kill" I ask hesitated. She froze up for a minute and stuttered a bit. "Umm...w-well I don't um...i c-can't kill people..." "it's ok" I ran my finger along her lips. "You do not need to kill, if anything I'd rather ur here safe. I stood up and picked her up and went back into the caravan and set her on the bed. I crawled back into bed, and as I guessed she followed and cuddled up next to me. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her in closer. "Goodnight love" I whisper. "Goodnight my little killer" she gently whispered back and fell asleep on my arm"

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