Chapter 6 blaming and misunderstanding

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Rainbow dash POV

"Ok you seriously asked me for love advice for misty??" I asked him

"What? I don't know anypony who knows her better than anypony else" light explained

"Well if you really want her to be yours you have to be cool to meet her be calm and be nice, be funny, compliment her a bit...and then do something to what really matters to her.." I said. Wow I know I hate sappy stuff but....I'm really good at it.....

"Wow ok.....hmmm *gasped* I know!! I'll surprise her with a romantic picnic then I'll do stuff that you said then confess 'I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!'

meanwhile behind the bushes (a bit far)

Daring POV


I gasped. "No........but...I thought" I cried. "How can dash do this!!! She knows I like him! M...maybe I never should have met her in my life!!! I..thought she was different....I thought she was a....friend but no!! *sobs* I can't believe her!!!" I said then flies away fast

Back to dash POV

"Shhhhhh! You don't wanna ruin the surprise do you?" I asked him

"" he replied

"Ok let's make a checklist to what were gonna need for your r....r..romantic picnic...." I said

"What's with the r...r...romantic picnic word??" He asked

"What? I hate sappy stuff" I replied

"That explains it..." He said "Let's go to my house and list everything there.." He continued

"Ok..." I said

*at lightning swift's house*

"Ok I got the what should we need??" He asked

"Well....list these...

-picnic blanket


*2 sandwhiches

* 2 drinks

-picnic basket

-picnic spot

-flowers" I said. Then he listed those

"Oh and a gift!" He suggested

"Ooh good one!" I agreed

"Well let's go buy these stuff then head home.." He said

"But when will you guys have your picnic?" I asked

"How 'bout on next Friday?" He asked

"Dude! Make it a bit short the flowers will die on that day! It will take like forever to wait!" I said

"Ok...umm since today is 'bout on next monday??" He suggested

"Ok...good enough" I agreed

"Let's you have-" light cutted me off

"I have a picnic blanket, and a picnic basket" he said

"Ok...should we start with the picnic spot?" I asked

"Ok let's go..." He said

We walked around ponyville to look for a spot.

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