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Anubis ran through the forest, dodging humans when he could. Anu only wanted to be free, and roam where he pleased. He stopped behind a tree, catching his breath for a quick moment. As he deemed his spot safe, he heard slight rustling coming from a bunch of bushes near by. He prepared to fight, and braced hisself against the tree.
Anu held his breath as he watched the large astromon appear from the edge of the forest, feeling a bit of fear. Was this one of those astromons that went rouge? Or was he just..that large? Anu didn't have time to think of a response, as the larger figure noticed him.
Leonor strolled along, knowing that his big stature would deter most humans that came across him, unless there was one who was either incredibly bored or incredibly dumb. He heard shuffling and the tap tap of something running around the forest. He followed the noise curiously when it stopped and he moved out from a bush and near the forest edge, glancing around for the source of the rustling and noise. Leo paused when he saw the other, much shorter and skinnier astromon afar and he raised an eyebrow at his stance. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Anu kept his stance the same, still a bit tense. He didn't know if the other astromon would suddenly attack or if he'd need to run. He nodded, "I'm fine.." he watched the other with careful eyes, seeing escape routes in nearby trees.

Leo raised his hands up to show he wasn't going to hurt him and he slowly made his way over to the shorter man. "I'm not going to hurt you, I just was curious what was making noise." He admitted, giving him a hopefully gentle and nice smile, trying his best not to scare him.

Anubis stared at his stance, a bit skeptical. After a moment he let loose a small bit of tension, less aggressive than before but still ready to run if necessary. "I'm sorry I disturbed you, there were humans coming after me and I didn't want to be caught." He gave the other a slow look over, looking for what strengths and weaknesses he might have. Anu also looked over his large frame, wondering if all astromons like him got that large.

Leonor smiled more when he saw him untense a little, standing in front of him, careful to do his best to not be intimidating to the other astromon. "Humans? Do you need me to chase them off if they're harassing you?" He glanced around, trying to hear or see any thing that could indicate an approaching human.

Anu shook his head slowly, he actually did need help but he didn't want to burden the other. "I wouldn't want to bother you, I appreciate the offer though." He sent the other a lopsided grin, trying to not show his nervousness.

Leo smiled at him and shook his head. "It wouldn't bother me at all, I promise." He told him, giving him a toothy grin as he gently clapped a hand on his shoulder, still trying make himself seem nice and not intimidating.

Anu considered his options for a moment, before nodding "Ok then, I guess you're kinda my bodyguard now.. well, somewhat." Anu flinched a bit at the hand that touched his shoulder, not really in fear but it was a natural response for him.

Leo nodded and gave him a happy grin, picking him up and slinging him up onto his shoulders, not noticing his response to touch. He bounced bon his heels and hummed. "I certainly don't mind that, it seems like we can be buddies that way!"

Anubis jolted at the sudden contact, tightly grasping at the others shoulders. He grit his teeth, trying to calm down. It took him a few moments of deep breathing to finally calm down, and to register what the other astromon had said. "Buddies? That doesn't sound like such bad idea.." Anubis hadn't had "buddies" in quite sometime, after choosing to be alone for a while.

Leo barely registered that he scared him and he was going to comment but the other seemed okay so he decided to talk to him about it later. "Yeah, buddies. If we are buddies we should probably tell each other our names though." He chuckled, lifting a hand up to him so he can shake it, being careful not to let go of him fully so he won't fall. "I'm Leonor."

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