Once upon a time Dragons ruled the Earth. There were big dragons and there were small dragons. All of the dragons struck fear into the hearts of men. The small dragons would destroy the men's food while the large ones would destroy the houses. There were many Varieties of dragons such as firefly dragons which could spew fire out of their tails and Night terror dragons which could induce hypnosis onto someone and make them sleep eternally with nightmares. The people of Earth had been fighting against the dragons for 100 years, on the 100th year the people of Earth captured a dragon to bathe the people in the pure fire from its chest that could give any person who survives the ability to use magic. Soon after they captured the dragon someone survived the fire and could use magic. They learned fast for they did not have time on their side and they needed to make a plan. The name that was given to the survivor was wizard. The wizard began work on a spell that would put the dragons in a stasis that would last 1,000,000 years. There was one person that was against the wizard, the person was with the queen of the dragons when she died and she gave him her essence and it would forever run in his families bloodline. The legend of the wizard was passed down from generation to generation and changed every time like a game of Chinese whispers. Eventually the dragons bodies which looked like piles of stone were buried under dirt, sand and stone to not be seen again for a long time. Although the dragons died out the man still carried the essence of the dragon queen. The queens name was Galuru.