Questing for the Unknown

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Questing for the Unknown: Quest I

"Joey, Joey! Wake up!" Yugi shook his cousin by the shoulders until the blond finally woke up. "Today we're going to explore the cave remember?"

Joey yawned and nodded he hasn't had a good awakening, tonight just like most nights, he had nightmares about his sister's disappearance. He didn't remember many details, but that day they lost their parents, Serenity had ran into the house regardless of the fire, he tried to get her and their parents out, but it was too late.

Joey's parents where dead, his sister stood there staring at them with tears in her eyes, she ignored his screaming at her that they had to get out. The smoke was too much, he began to feel dizzy and the last thing he saw was his sister disappearing in a flash of light before he lost consciousness. He wondered if it was just an illusion, if Serenity really was dead but her body was never found. The fire was put out and Joey was rescued, his parents were buried in the village's graveyard, but his sister had just vanished.

After that, Joey came to live with his cousin Yugi and grand father Salomon. Both of them were orphans, their grandfather and each other, were all the family they had. Joey headed straight for the wooden table where his breakfast was, causing Yugi to give him an impatient look. "Cool it Yug, it's not like the cave's going anywhere."

Yugi sighed and waited for Joey to finish. Salomon had already left for work earlier that morning, not that there was much to do in their small village anyway. People occupied their time by growing vegetables and fruits; of course plenty of those grew by themselves in the forest anyway.

Yugi glanced around for anything interesting to do while waiting for Joey, yet found nothing. A note lay on the opposite side of the table from Joey, candles, matches, orange juice and other things where listed on it. As soon as Joey finished, Yugi practically dragged him outside and they headed to explore the cave north from their little village.

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This cave was the only special thing around there, or so thought Yugi. They've been in it before, but now Yugi was especially interested in it because it was growing, becoming deeper every day. Neither knew why a cave would become deeper and deeper everyday in such proportions, but Yugi was determined to find out.

At night strange noises were heard coming from the cave, but Salomon wouldn't allow him to go to the cave at night, saying that he may encounter some wandering spirits or something like that if he left the village after dark. Secretly Yugi wished he would find a spirit or something similar, at least it would make life more interesting and maybe he could see his parents or aunt and uncle's ghosts.

Joey and Yugi had been walking inside the cave silently. The only light came from their candles, which really wasn't much light. There used to be bats in that cave, but there weren't any left, the villagers said something scared them away. After walking for a little longer, the ground under their feet began to shake.

Both of the tried to run out of the cave, but couldn't help it but to look back when there was a bright light coming, apparently from the ground. A large metallic creature made its way to the cave from the ground; the light was coming from the metal monster.

The metal creature was on a rampage, ramming into the cave's walls, causing rocks to fall from the cave's roof. Once the boys regained movement after the shock, they tried to run out of the cave, but the large falling rocks left them trapped. The metal monster focused its light on them and for a moment they screamed at the top of their lungs, thinking that the strange beast would attack them, but soon the creature dug a tunnel and disappeared into it.

They sighed in relief, now that the strange monster was gone. "What was that?" Yugi asked.

"I don't know but we're trapped," Joey pointed out.

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