Two-Way Note #3

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*Your POV*

I open my door, see Snowflake, and talk to her. I didn't notice that Rap-Monster was standing next to Snowflake. I didn't notice him until he did a unrealistic cough. I of course invited him inside as he has been ignored by me after bringing my dog back.

Gosh Y/N, he probably thinks you're weird now since he just witnessed you talking to your dog like a friend. I doubt he picked up on my lack of friends now. You must speak to him Y/N. Brain think up something! 

"Can i get you something to drink?" I blurted out in the awkward silence.

"I'll just take water," he said back calmly.

I then rush off to the kitchen, and instantly start getting water for him. Why are you blushing you idiot?! You think to yourself as you walk back with water for him.

"I saw your concert two days ago. It was good" I say while handing him his glass smiling. 

"Thanks," He said and smiled back at me.

At this point in time, we both just kinda stared at each other smiling. I just felt like I could get lost in his eyes so easily. As if he could read my soul and erase all my pain. Just as my mind started wandering to other forms of happiness he could bring me, he closed his eyes and stuck out his tongue.

I burst into laughter at this and stick out my tongue as well. Ah, the joys of being childish.

"Rap Mon!" I yell and playfully tackle him whilegrinning. "Why are you still standing!?"

"Yah! You're heavy! Get off!" he laughs and pushes you off.

"Rap Mon! I'm not heavy, you're just weak!" I fire back laughing still.

"No need for fomalities Y/N, just call me Namjoon...or Oppa, if you really want," he says to me. "Also, I'm not weak." As he says that, he picks you up and plops you on your couch.

By now, I can already feel my face burning up from embarrassment or who knows what.

"Y/N, youre blushing. Are you embarrased or..." he mused.

"Yah!" I yell and playfully punch him in the arm. "Oppa! Sit on the couch with me!"


*Namjoon's POV*

As we rolled around on the floor and and were being complete derps, she sat up and said "Oppa! Sit on the couch with me!"

This is the point of time when my mind went haywire and did loop-de-loops. Even though my body was subconsciously following her request, I couldn't think straight.

What to say. What to say. What to say to Y/N. She's looking at me curiously. Brain! SAY SOMETHING!

"Approximately 40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year!" I blurted out as she burst out in laughter.

"Why do you even know that!" Y/N yelled as she fell into my lap laughing. "Were you afraid of the toilets before coming here for your tour?!" she jokingly poked my side as she said that.

"No, that's the power of searching 'Random Facts' and scrolling through lists for an afternoon."

"Oh. Wanna go get some food Oppa?" she asks cutely.

"But, don't you have food here?"

"Do you wanna eat dog-food?"

"let's go get food then. McDonald's?"

"Yes! Onwards Oppa!" Y/N yells while pointing her finger towards the door. "Food, today you shall meet your demise!"

Gosh, why does she have to be so adorable? I guess it's different from other girls. Feisty yet adorable.


*3rd Person POV*

Namjoon is driving to McDonald's while Y/N is in the passenger seat doing choreography to any k-pop song that comes on while sitting down.

"You're goofy Y/N," Namjoon chuckles slightly.

Y/N just sticks her tongue out at Namjoon and says, "Let me be happy, I haven't had this much fun in ages!"

"Why not? Don't you have friends?" Namjoon fires back jokingly.

Silence suddenly fills the car, creating a really weird feeling of tension.

"Do you?" he asked again cautiously.

"Do you and Snowflake count?" Y/N asks skeptically.

"I guess..."

"Then yes, I have friends"


*Your POV*

After about 5 more minutes of talking, you arrive at McDonald's.

"YAY! Today cheeseburgers shall die!" I say smirking evilly while rubbing my hands together.

"How did I come across someone as weird as you Y/N?" Namjoon asks me and I shrug.

We both sit down at our booth after ordering, and I try to be cute in front of Namjoon Oppa, so I decide to wear the number plate on my head instead of setting it down on the table like a normal person.

"Goofy." he said and shook his head.

"Stop being no fun." I said and pouted cutely at him.

"Fine." he said and put his elbows on the table and his hands near his face while smiling. (like pic at top of page)

I could feel my stomach getting butterfly's as i stared at how adorable he looked. My knuckles subconsciously moved to my lips trying to hold back the fan-girling part of my mind from exploding.  Soon my face started heating up as we both were staring into each other's eyes again.

"Number 13! Your order is ready! Come to the counter please!" I heard the people who made our food shout.

Instantly I spring up, "Where's the num-...It's still on my head isn't it?"


"I'll be right back Oppa!" I say as I walk off smiling to get our food with our number still on my head.

When I arrived back at our table I placed our food down on the table and we both figured out whose stuff was whose.

"You know, the person at the desk gave me a weird look when I went to get our food Oppa...Do you have any idea why?" I asked smiling and faking innocence.

"Maybe because you had the number on your head silly!" he shot back while laughing.

Soon, we both finished eating our burgers and were sitting outside on a bench not far from the car.

"Oppa, wanna swap numbers so we can hang out sometime?" I ask while looking down to try to hide my blushing face.

"Sure," he said as we both swapped numbers. "Shall I drop you off at your place now or leave you here to kill more burgers?"

"Take me home Oppa! I'm tired." I fake yawned and stretched out my arms to get the point across.

"Okay Y/N, lets go."


Took like 6 hours, but i did it everyone! I feel like this is getting cheesier with every chapter. Anywhooooo.....ill try to post soon! Baiiiiiiiiiii!

-Admin E-

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