Chapter 6

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"Are you okay Alex?"

Alex nodded her head, "I'm fine, Tony. I was just thinking."

Tony smiled "About what?"

She paused. "You know, I don't remember."

"Can't be anything important then." He kissed her cheek, making Alex smile with the familial gesture. "I think Pá was looking for you."

"Roger that."

"Y'know, I do regret teaching you that now. You know it annoys him."

"I thought you liked annoying him."

"Well, things change." Tony looked over at where Steve was laughing with Bruce, and a fond smile grew, "We have you now. We've got to at least try to get along for your sake."

"I hope this never changes, Zietto."

"I never asked you what that means. For all I know, you could be calling me dickhead or something in your fancy language."

"It's Uncle."

"Uncle? Why am I your uncle?"

"Because...uh..." Tony lunged at Alex and she jumped back, giggling.

"I'm the one who adopted you! Clint gets called dad but I'm just your uncle?"

"It's so there's no confusion."

They easily fell into a practice fight, Tony attacking and Alex defending against his punches, "Well I'm confused right now. I should be your dad!"

"Bruce doesn't have a nickname."

"Then call him, Zietto and let me be father."

"I'm not calling you Father. Father Tony makes you sound old." Tony almost managed to hit her stomach, but stopped before he actually did,

"Call me the Italian for mom then."

"No, it's too close to mama." Taking advantage of Tony's pause, Alex ran.

"Let me be your Mamma Mia!" Alex laughed as Tony chased after her, as he neared her, she clicked her fingers and teleported into the other Avengers.

"Pretend I'm not here." Still laughing, Alex ducked behind Clint who cleared his throat and began speaking in a louder voice.

"The best way to die?" Clint asked "Being shot by a gun. It's easy and painless."

"I agree," said Natasha "Can you imagine falling to your death."

"I disagree," said Steve,

"Of course you would, the best way to die in your opinion would probably be singing the national anthem." Alex laughed, and someone grabbed her from behind.

"Alex!" It was just Tony. "Don't you run away from your Mamma Mia again."

"Mamma Mia?"

Alex pouted, "I'm sorry, Papino"

"Papino, that's better."

Natasha snorted. "Yeah, that's brilliant."

"What does that mean?" Tony panicked, but Alex had already slipped away. He made one grab in the direction she had been but he was still out of breath from the previous run to get her. "Alright, someone needs to tie her fingers together so she won't do that anymore. What were you taking about?"

"Steve's going to die as the national anthem plays."

"Oh say can you see, Steve's body in the early light- ouch." Pepper had thrown a burger at Tony to stop him from singing and Alex reappeared for a second just to laugh at him.

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