So like 2 dicks was being an innocent angel sat in the keechen writing some shit when all of a sudden n00ds or didn't happen walked in and said something and 2 dicks was like "you all speak Spanish speak it to each other" n then Russel hobbs came in and no one noticed as always cus they're dicks n then Murdoc like walked in on his leopard print undies from Victoria's Secret and was like "ow my dick hurts kiss it better face ayke" and 2d was like "k but like,,,, no homo righ?" And ugly pickle was like "yeah mate" and then 2d sucked his dick but then like Damon albarnyard moo moo walked in and was like "I'm having regrets I look like a hobo" and then one of the galeeger bros (can't remember who's fucking who) walks in and is like "Damon you poncing fucking twat kys" and then they had a fist fight and gaymon wrote a song about it. So like back to the gay murdoc put his dick in 2D's fine ass and screamed "ITS COMMIN UP, ITS COMMIN UP, ITS COMIN UP, ITS CUMMIN UP IM" n then screeched "ITS DAHHER" then 2dick was like let's fuck again but Murcock died of a heart attack due to the fact that he was 51 and has a very unhealthy life style the end.