Chapter Twelve

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Simone's POV

I was up all night thinking about Chris and what he said at the restaurant and then Michael..I'm so tired..A few months had passed and we'd been on several dates and outings. Our relation ship had depended. He hasn't asked me out yet but I knew it was coming.Today was the day I'm meeting Ty's sisters and mother..I'm kinda nervous..

"Morning Brianna" I said

"Morning MiMi" She said

"MiMi, That's Ty's nickname for me"I said laughing."What do you want for breakfast" I asked her

"Yeah, I heard him call you that and uhhh how about omelets?"She said

"Sure that's fine, I'll be back, I have to get some groceries for the omelets.. Do you want anything from Starbucks??" I said

"Yeah, I'll have an iced caramel frappuccino" she said

"Okay.. I'll be back.." I said

"Can I take your range rover" I asked her

"Sure drive carefully" she said

I grabbed the keys and got in the car.. I went to SAM's club.. I got out of the car and walked in..I showed them my SAM's card and walked in..As soon as I walked in I saw Tyler and Chris..Oh Lord.

"Simone, I need to talk to you" Tyler said

"Okay, Go ahead" I said

"I'm really sorry..I've always been jealous of you and I just wanted something nice for a change.."

"Tyler, I accept your apology but I can't trust you..Now excuse me, I have to go" I said

"Simone" Chris called


"I'm sorry"he said

I just walked away..I don't want to start anything..Lets see..eggs, milk, green peppers, red peppers, onions, spinach,cheese, pork and turkey bacon, pork and turkey sausage, and ice cream.. I went to get in line and I started putting my items on the counter

"Guess who" he asked and put his hands over my eyes

"Ty"I asked

"Yes, did you cheat" he asked

"No, I know your smell"..I said and kissed him

He blushed "I'll pay for you and Brianna's groceries" he said

"No Ty, are you sure?" I asked

"Yeah" he said

"Okay, thanks" he said

"That'll be sixty-five dollars and fifty cents.." the cashier said

He handed her a hundred dollar bill

"Your change is thirty four dollars and fifty cents.." the cashier repeated back to him while handing him the money

"Here, keep the change Simone" He said

"Thanks Ty" I said. Then Walking out Sam's club
"Ty, can you come to Starbucks with me, and then come to Brianna's house" I asked him

"Sure, anything for my love"he said

"Thanks" I said probably blushing.

"Welcome to Starbucks, what would you like to order" The cashier

"Uhhh I'll have two Iced caramel mocha frappuccino..Extra whip cream and caramel" I said

"What size for those two" the cashier asked

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