Magma 3

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Volcano I: Earth

Eruption 20: Date

"Zuko," Toph quietly spoke as the group soared in the skies on Appa.

Sokka continuously showed his affection towards Suki and she returned it. Katara was having a conversation with their new member, and Aang listened to Suki's narration of her experiences. Suki occasionally gave Zuko uneasy looks, though she didn't say anything.

"Yeah?" Zuko felt as if he was starting over, once again trying to earn the group's trust.

"Have you ever taken the first step to ask someone on a date?" Toph's question took Zuko by surprised.

Zuko gave it some thought. There was Song, he didn't actually date her, but she seemed interested. Then there was Jin, he went on a date with her after Iroh said he should, she had taken the first step as well. Finally, there was Mai, daughter of a high ranked Fire Nation politician, close friend of the princess and whom everyone expected Zuko to be with. She had taken the first step as well, "no."

Toph laughed and Zuko gave her a confused look. "It's nothing never mind."

"Toph, will you go on a date with me when we land?" Zuko didn't stop to think, he simply let the words flow out.

For a moment Toph wondered if he was just kidding, if he had forgotten what was decided at the cave and was starting the competition again. But she realized, he wasn't, he was actually sincere. "Sure, if you want to."

This time Zuko wasn't going on a date just because he thought he should, this time, he really wanted to go.

xoxox xox xoxox

Appa landed in a town famous for its local fortune teller, Aunt Wu. Suki had not been seriously injured and any scratches were already healed by Katara. Sokka wasn't too fond of fortune telling, but that was not the main activity around town that day. There seemed to be some kind of festival going on, the festival of hope they called it. The day of the black sun had passed, but the town was trying to remain optimistic and believe the avatar would save them again, as he once did from the volcano.

Sokka was off somewhere in lovey-dovey world with Suki. A few of the towns' people recognized Aang and asked him to tour the town, to lift the spirits; the avatar was all too happy to comply. Thus the group was spit into four tiny groups. Sokka and Suki, off in lovey-dovey world, Aang and Katara, touring the town and giving inspirational speeches, Momo and Appa, being fed and spoiled by the locals, which left Zuko and Toph.

Those who had curiously, yet fearfully approached Zuko to ask who he was, had received an answer from Toph before he could reply. "This is Li, he's new in our group," and they believed that any resemblance between the fire nation prince and this Li guy, was a mere coincidence.

"Do you want to take a walk and see if we can find anything to do in the hope festival?" Zuko asked, noting that an awkward silence had formed.

"Sure," The pair walked around the festival, passing by the many booths, and occasionally stopping to take in the sights, or scents, or sounds.

"Young lady," as they walked past a booth, Toph felt that the voice was directed at her.

Toph and Zuko stopped. From what she could feel, Toph could tell there were many small containers on the booth and wondered what kind of goods the woman was selling. "You mean me?"

"Oh yes, would you be interested in buying some." The woman paused taking a good long look at Toph, her eyes were unusually pale, "make up?" she finally finished.

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