- as you went to his room as you were mad at him as you noticed the door was a bit open as you were spying on him -JM: baby, you know you can't hide from me - as smirks as he turns and looks at you - why don't you come here
Me: oh shit!!!! - as you fell as he laughs and smirks more - hey don't laugh I fell down?!
JM: come here and let me kiss it better - as you get up as he smiles at you - come come I wanna kiss it better baby girl
Me: speaking of that what the fuck did you leave on my neck?! Other vampires can smell this if Suga sees this I'm screwed - as you came to him as he pulls you closer - whoa easy
JM: hmmmm, let me check this out - as I let him see my neck - hmmm we can fix this
Me: really?!
JM: - as he smirks - yes Ik how to do that - as he kisses your neck more and more - does it feel so good ?
Me: yes it does ....... Hey stop it - as they watched us- ugh!!!!!!
Jin: poor girl we got to do something
RM: if he takes her to bed I will stop them cuz there just kissing and it not bad
JM: your so yummy - as they watched more - very yummy
Me: - rolls my eyes - okay I am yummy I got that now let go before I kill you myself bitch!!!!!
Jin: - looks mad - we need to save her
RM: just wait..... - as Suga comes by - oh hey Suga!!!! Good timing
S: ??????
Me: I will kill you if you don't stop kissing my neck
JM: - kisses my neck more -
Me: let go - as Suga hears you scream -
S: wtf - as he came in watching us both - Jimin!!!!!!!! - as Jimin stops as he looks at him as he holding me - what the hell are you doing to my wife?!
RM: this shall be good - as Jin looked at him -
Me: he was kissing my neck and he left a sent and everything!!!!! Your supposed to that not him
JM: you taste so good baby girl let do it in bed
S: hey!!!!! - as Jimin looks at him again - I only do that to her in bed were married that body is only mine
JM: Hyung ..... I get to taste her too - as you smacked him - ouch!!!
S: Jimin your gonna pay - as you leave the room - if you ever touch my wife again I will end you
JM: Ik where to find her sexy body at it won't be long before she gives birth to my child
S: by the way this month were gonna make a child so you can't make one with her
Me: -_-
S: babe go to our room right now!!!! - as you went to his room -

BTS vampires with y/n
FanficYour just a young girl about 21 years old at most, you find yourself ending up talking to some Korean vampires as you knew how to get them into your hearts but sometime you play hard to get you wanna tell each of them how you feel in a different way...