I realize this is super cringe just bear with me.
Joeys p.o.vI walked down the path to my home thinking about Ellie and banana. They where my best friends how could I just abandon them. Especially banana he needed us the most right now. I turned around and looked back at town. "It's all my fault...If I had not taken the short cut none of this would have happened."
"Joey!" Ellie called out from behind Joey. "Give me my ball back!" Joey turned and face her with a grin. "It's my ball now." "No it's not give it back!" She said reaching for it. Joey held it up in the air and looped it around his body really fast. "Here go get it." And with that he threw it as far as he could hitting there best friend banana in the head. " Joey you idiot look what you did." Joey and Ellie ran up to banana who was currently sprawled out on the ground. " oh no he's unconscious." Ellie stated. "Here let me help." "I THINK YOU'VE HELPED ENOUGH." "IF YOU HADENT STOLE MY BALL THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED." This is all your fault Joey , just leave." And with that, Joey walked off into the distance.
"This is all your fault Joey."
She was right Joey thought to himself.It was all his fault.
I'm just practicing my writing with this shit