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I sat in that office for what felt like hours even though it was probably only 30 minutes, before I heard a lock click and the door opened.

I turned around and saw Breezy walk in. My whole body went on alert and I felt like I had to watch every move I made carefully. He kept his eyes on me as he walked over to his desk. He sat down his chair squeaking from his weight and muscular build and he stared at me.

I held his gaze too scared to look away and at the same time to determined to win this staring contest. If felt like we were competing, for what? I have no clue. Finally he looked away sitting back and laughing at me lighting a cigar.

"Baby girl what am I supposed to do with you?" He asked me laughing. I gave him a blank stare blinking slowly to show how unamusing I found this. He squinted staring at me before getting up and walking around the desk stopping directly in front of me.

He towered over me I’m already only 5 foot but with me being seated and him standing up he was a giant compared to me. He reached his hand out and on instinct I flinched. He frowned and stroked the sore side of my face observing the bruises.

"Don’t touch me." I snapped moving my head away from him. How dare he fucking touch my face? That angered him and he snatched my chin forcing me to look at him.

"Don’t you ever disobey me or tell me what to do." He growled. I tried to move my head away again and he gripped tighter causing me to wince in pain. He glared down angrily at me before shoving my face away and walking back to his seat.

"You can’t keep fighting me." He said after a couple of seconds had passed. I looked at him and then looked away. "Not if you want to be happy."

"I’m not happy regardless. You hitting me doesn’t do shit, it doesn’t scare me." I said. It was true it didn’t scare me as much as it upset me, angered me.

"And why is that?" He asked me cooly blowing out a stream of smoke from his cigar.

"Because that’s normal to me. You and your men aren’t the first to hit me, and I’ve seen and had worse things done." I replied shrugging and crossing my legs.

He nodded and paused before speaking. “Then go.” He said. Go? What does he mean go?

"Go?" I asked him trying to make sure I heard him properly.

"Yes go. If you feel like you don’t have to listen to me and you wanna leave, then leave. Get up and use them pretty legs of yours and walk out the front door." He said. He caught me off guard with that.

"You won’t try and stop me?" I asked him. He took a hit from his cigar and shook his head kicking his feet up on the desk and leaning back in his chair.

"Nope." He said shaking his head. "I won’t even try and stop you." He said. I didn’t move from my seat, he took his feet down and leaned over the desk looking me in the eye.

"Exactly you need me whether you want to accept it or not. You had the option to leave and you didn’t because you don’t have anywhere else to go. You don’t have any family, anyone that cares enough to take you in. You don’t have another place to live. You need me." He said pointing his cigar at me on those last three words.

I remained silent because everything he said was true, in all honesty I did need him. I did in fact have no family, and I didn’t have another place to live. It was either stay here or be homeless.

"Why do you do that?" He asked me leaning forward on his elbows. His beautiful face a map of confusion and wonder.

"Do what?" I replied not knowing what he was talking about.

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