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Michael's POV

Jeremy was coming over to my house today after school to play video games like we normally do. I was planning on walking to school, but it was raining so my mom drove me. But the thing was, is that the rain wasn't even coming down that hard. Anyway, we arrived at school and I immediately started to look for Jeremy, he gets to school a bit earlier than I do. I found him in the hallway, he looked cold. He found me within a matter of seconds, "Michael!". He ran over to me and I gave him a hug that he wasn't expecting. It took him a few seconds to hug back, and christ he was c o l d. "Holy crap Jeremy, you are shivering dude!"
"W-wait, really? N-nah m-man I'm fine" he said trying to play it off.
"Jer. You are. Cold. It's obvious, do you have any extra clothes to put on? If you don't I can give you some of my clothes. My mom made me pack more just in case these get soaked." He replied pretty quick due to his intense shivering, "N-no it's o-ok Michael r-real-ly". The bell rang for 1st period that Jeremy and I had together, well active had every class together. I my wish that we could sit together for each one because they're all boring. We had PE first and it took a few minutes to get to the locker rooms so I tried to prevent Jeremy from getting any colder than he already was

Jeremy's POV

Michael hugging me while he walked us to the locker rooms to stop me from getting colder, and if I'm being honest, it worked well thanks to his jacket. Rich saw us and said things like 'congratulations!' or 'good job Michael!' just to tease us. Cause, who wouldn't make fun of a couple of losers? We finally got to out lockers which were, thank god, right next to each other. I don't think I could deal with changing with other people, or changing in front of anyone else either. It would just be too weird. I knew I couldn't hide anything from Michael, even if I wanted to so I don't know why I tried to act like I wasn't cold. "Umm, a-actually Michael. C-can I wear you clothes?" He gave a sympathetic look and gave me some sweatpants, an actual warm shirt, and he took of his hoodie and gave it to me. I tried to say something but Michael beat me to it, "Wear it for today, like I said I have extra things to keep me warm, I'll be fine Jer" I nodded and changed into his warm clothes and I feel so much better. "Wait Michael, won't they say something if you're not in uniform?"
"No, they said you can wear sweats, and or your shorts plus they never check if you wear your shirt so you'll be fine" I nodded again and by then Michael was changed and we went to the gym.

Michael's POV

During PE I kept looking at Jeremy without nothing it and thank god he didn't notice either, or anyone else for that matter. That would be weird, but then again, everyone knows I'm gay. But I don't want them thinking I'm gay for Jeremy, I would like to keep that as deep down as possible. Nobody needs to know that. I zoned out by looking at Jeremy again, he just looked so cute in my clothes, they looked big on him which was adorable. I felt my face heating up so I quickly looked away before he noticed me being gayer than I normally am. The good thing was is that Jeremy was no longer cold, that's all that matters is that Jeremy is ok. "Michael" he so precious and cute "Michael?" And he looked so adorable in my clothes "MICHAEL!"
"AAAHH, UMm y-yes sir?" I think my teacher caught me zoning out? "You can look and fantasise about Jeremy AFTER class, and who knows maybe you can ask him out but PAY ATTENTION ok Mr. Mell?" If my face wasn't red before, it surely is now. And usually I would make jokes about comments like those but today felt different? I just wanted to get out of that class

Jeremy's POV

Michael changed pretty fast and he didn't wait for me like he usually does, he walked out of the locker room pretty quickly. I didn't have to change so I just got my backpack that had 'Boyf' written on it, while Michael's had 'Riends'. I ran after him but I couldn't find him in our usual spot after PE. I walked past the bathroom and I heard breathing that I knew belonged to Michael. Shut up best friends can tell the others breathing. I went in and shut the main door so no one would know we were here, "Michael? Michael I know you're in here, pleas come out?" It took a few seconds but he came out of one of the stalls and he was breathing kind of rapidly and he looked like he was about to cry. "Jeremy!" He ran over and hugged me and cried onto my shoulder "Michael what happened? Is it because of PE? You know he was just joking right? It's ok"
"J-jeremy? Why are people s-so mean?" I felt so bad, we were both on our knees in the bathroom, I cupped his face in my hands, "Michael, you're not normally like this, hell you're never like this! What's wrong buddy" his face became hot as soon as I touched it, I thought he was getting more upset but he was smiling and, hiding his face? Or at least trying to. I took off his glasses and put them in my bag. "C'mon Jeremy!" He stuttered and sniffled a bit from crying, but, still smiling. "Why'd you do that Jer?" He asked "Well, I just wanted to see my favourite persons smiling face!" I said making him laugh "Umm, can we go home Jeremy? I don't want to stay here

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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