Green Light / Jack Barakat

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The day people in most serious relationships that have broken up dread. The day they come get their things from the other persons place. It's been a month, and Lia was still basically free-loading at Rian and Cass's house. They were rather worried about her. Most nights she didn't come home. They knew she was hurt after the break up, but they didn't know Jack's case. Yet, all he ever did was ask about her. How she was doing, what she was doing, the usual. It was obvious Jack still cared about her, but Lia didn't want Jack anymore. Honestly, know one knew what went on between them. Or what was going on in their minds. 

Lia did her makeup in the man's car who was driving her to the bar to pick up her own car. She never caught his name. Or maybe she did, and didn't quite remember it from the night before. Oh well, it didn't matter to her. It didn't seem to matter to him either. She did her makeup in his car to get a head start. It was already noon, and she figured out Jack wouldn't be home till 2 that day. She needed to look good, just in case she did run into him. Even though she hoped she didn't. But you can't take chances in this life. Besides, it felt nice to look nice anyways. 

She hopped into her own car and headed home- well to Cass and Rian's place, where she was staying. So basically home. But it didn't feel like it. They practically forced her to stay there but she hated it. She felt like she was a burden to them, so that's why she normally didn't come home. She had no where else to go, really, so that's why she went out so often. Plus the simple fact of sex. 

She walked int the house, not seeing Rian. Then she spotted Cass. Her bright, happy, mentally-healthy smile flashed in Lia's face. She forced a small one onto her own. "Hey!"

"Hey." Lia muttered out, less-excitedly. 

"What's up?" Cass asked, popping the 'p'. Lia loved Cass more than anything, they were best friends, but sometimes she was just a bit too perky. Too perky for Lia. Who has been beyond low for a month. Another reason Lia didn't want to be 'home'. 

"Getting ready to go get my stuff from Jack's I suppose. I promise, I'll find somewhere to stay soon, after this whole grieving process or whatever." Lia always talked with hand motions. 

"Oh, don't worry about it! You can stay as long as you like!" She smiled continuously. Lia nodded slowly. "I get it, you want to look good. Make him see what he lost. I wouldn't make it obvious though. Although, he is Jack. He probably wouldn't catch on. He'd be too focused on how hot you are anyways."

"Thanks, Cass." Lia smiled slightly. Genuinely, though. 

"No problem! Anyways, I'm gonna get back to songwriting. Good luck!" She blew her a kiss. Lia muttered another thanks to her, then headed to the guest room. Which was considered her room now. She finished her makeup, probably one of the best looks she'd done in a while. She put on a rather baggy shirt to hide the fact that some days she'd been eating too many pints of ice cream while watching Supernatural or Grey's Anatomy. It was just a pink t-shirt, that revealed her lacy bralette straps and freckled shoulders. Then she pulled on a pair ripped blue jeans and slipped on her Birkenstocks. She was then on her way to Jack's house. 

She didn't want to be on her way to Jack's house. Here she was though, despite all odds. She prayed her calculations were right and he would be home till 2. It was a bit over 1 now, she had to be in and out fast. Like a quick surgery on Grey's Anatomy, or a quick unoriginal hunting job on Supernatural. She really had been watching too much tv and eating too much ice cream.. 

She parked her car in the driveway, seeing that his wasn't here. She took her key to their- his house and unlocked it. She walked in, the familiar smell of the candle wax she and Jack had picked out when they were purchasing the place. She sighed. She got to work, packing her stuff from his closet. She was being slow about it, finding things that reminded her of stuff from before. When Jack hadn't done what he did. When they were happy. Then she would sit and reminisce for a while. Until she heard a door open downstairs. She sighed, she had messed up. At least she looked good while messing up, though. She started packing quickly now, when it didn't really matter. 

"Hey." Jack said, surprised to see her. 

"Uh, hey." She mumbled, not looking in his direction. 


"Stop, Jack. I'm not here to talk. I'm here to get my stuff and go." She shook her head. 

"That's not what I'm here to do." He said, taking a seat on the bed. He looked at her as she threw her stuff into a box. "Lia, I am in love with you." 

"Then you shouldn't have done what you did," She shrugged. 

"I know, I'm sorry. I was just going to apologize."

"And why didn't you just do that before?" She finally looked at him. She always looked so good to him, makeup or not. 

"I don't know."

"Right," She rolled her eyes, then went back to what she was doing. 

"Come on, Li." He reached out and grabbed her forearm. She paused, frozen to his touch. "I'm sorry, for getting to close with other girls. I know you're not just being jealous, and overreacting. I went too far. I'm sorry, I swear it won't happen again."

She stood up, throwing the last item of her clothing from their- his closet into the box. "You know, I was told by you, my mom, all sorts of other people to not let anyone walk all over me. To never give second chances, cause they result in disaster, and only live in the moment. Not think to the past or the future, cause what matters is now. Well, I shouldn't give you a second chance, J." 

"But?" He knew that came to follow, as she inhaled sharply. He stood to face her also. A bit close, which made the sexual tension sliceable. 

"But I wish I could get my things and just let go. Of you, J." She shook her head, placing her hands on his shoulders, slowly snaking them around his neck. To which he placed his hand on her lower back and pulled her against him. 

"You can't, and you shouldn't. Cause I can't let go of you, either. I love you, Lia." He spoke powerfully. She rested her head on his chest, as he was much taller than her. 

"That's reassuring, cause I really thought you didn't there for a minute. All I wanted to do was scream the truth about you, cause I just thought you were a man-whore with inexcusable reasons why." She spoke quietly, in fear the dam holding back her tears would break apart, and cause a flood. She gripped onto the collar of his shirt tightly. 

"Don't you ever think for a minute I'm not in love with you, Lia. At the end of the night, no matter what happens, my love for you is still huge and I could never do better than you." He kissed her head. 

"God, I wish I could get my things and just let go." 

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