Hold On

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The couple walked back up to the cabin.

"Jumin you don't have to ride the bike if you don't want to" Zen said  hoisting his leg over the motorcycle grasping the handle bars.

Zen wore back pants, a black tee shirt, and a black leather jacket.

He looks so sexy on that thing, Jumin thought.

Jumin laughed and got himself on the bike behind Zen "I already told driver Kim to go. I'm not going to miss this chance to be chauffeured by the famous motorcyclist Hyun".

The two put on the their helmets and Zen roared the engine.

"Hold on" Zen said to Jumin smirking.

Jumin wrapped his arms around Zen's waist and Zen rode out the drive way.

The ride was beautiful through the valleys and hills.

Jumin was in awe seeing the sun beeming though the trees. The fresh air hitting their bodies.

Zen didn't drive at crazy speeds scared he might traumatize Jumin further.

Jumin, however, never loosened his grip around Zen's waist.

In an hour and a half, the two made it safely to Zen's apartment.

Driver Kim was parked outside awaiting their arrival.

Zen parked his new bike right behind Jumin's black limo.

The two got off the bike taking off their helmets.

"Well Jumin how did you like tha-" Zen was cut off by Jumin's lips pressing on his.

"It was amazing Hyun" Jumin answered smiling pulling away from the lip lock.

Zen smiled back. The two beaming. 

Driver Kim coughed.

"Mr. Han. I placed all the bags at the apartment door. Would you be needing my assistance bringing them inside?"

Jumin tried to fix his tie but just swiped at the air realizing he was wearing jeans and a black tee shirt and leather jacket.

Jumin scratched his head embarrassed, "no, that is all. Thank you Mr. Kim. You may head home now" Jumin replied.

Zen was trying his best to hold in his laughter.

Driver Kim bowed "very good sir."

He then drove off in the limo.

Zen burst out into a fit of laughter and Jumin punched his arm.

The two were walking to the apartment door.

"Jumin you need to give that man a damn raise" Zen said unlocking the door.

We Can't (Jumin x Zen)Where stories live. Discover now