Irresistible Offers Always Come with a Price

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Irresistible offers,

Are taken in the dead of night.

I come back for more and more,

Until it is all I can think about.

Why are you doing this?

You're wasting away!

Stop, please just stop!

I hear you yelling at me.

I can't.

Why not?



Something you wouldn't understand,

Something that eats me inside,

Tearing me to pieces,

Ripping me to shreads. 

You don't know what it's like,

To be unknown to yourself,

To not care about anything,

Until you're nothing more then dust in the wind.

Then there's the need 

The need you have to fulfill

The need that cannot be ignored,

No matter how hard you try to.

You keep on aiding that need,

But it keeps on coming back,

Stronger and more irresistible 

Then you ever could have imagined.

Soon you're left with nothing,

Nothing but a skeleton.

A skeleton buried in the ground,

Beyond reach, beyond help.

A skeleton everyone eventually forgets about,

Until all you are is an occasional bad thought, 

A horrible memory in the dusty corners of your loved ones minds,

A person everyone fears they will one day become.

A person you thought you'd never be,

Before the monster took you over,

Begging for more and more and more,

Until there was simply nothing left to give.

Irresistible Offers Always Come with a PriceWhere stories live. Discover now