the hospital

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THIS BITCH DONE KILL MY p-parents-loyalty(I felt dizzy and passed out)

Fuck we need yo get her to the hospital-chris

Chris p.o.v
I grabbed her and ran to the car and they did to but idk why they coming they caused it but I went in the car and drove off quick and we got to the hospital in 8 minutes cause for all I know she could of lost the baby and I yelled for help and I told them that she passed out and they took her and I didn't know what happened from there until 30 minutes later she walked out And took me and august to her room and he started telling us what's up

So loyalty and the baby fine, u did a amazing job with getting her in fast or she would of lost the baby-Doctor Lexi

That's great thank u-chris

But mind if I ask what happen it said in her charts her stress and angry levels was high why is that- doctor Lexi

Well my friend um aliyah and loyalty were good friends IG but something happened to make it change they started fighting and loyalty was yelling and screaming and trying to kill alyiah cause of some shit she did-august


What its the truth the bitch almost killed alyiah-august

(I punched him and we started fighting and before I knee it doctor Lexi was pulling me off damn this women strong)


She fixed her self up and so did me and august

Now Mr.brown and Mr.alsina which one of u is the father-doc

Well I I'm but I don't want them ugly ass baby or the momma-august

Really u say some shit like that-chris


Sorry it just some messed up shit he is saying I thought he liked her-chris

Well I don't and I like alyiah she is more fun and not pregnant-august

Wow nigga ok-chris

Oh k then so I see that u be going to the appointment with loyalty-doc

Yes I will cause that's my girl-chris

Alright well i-doc

*cough* *cough*-loyalty

Ok I need y'all to step o-doc

I'm fine, I'm fine just choked on spit I'm good-loyalty

U sure cause we can he-doc


What the fuck is wrong with u-chris

*crying* I'm sorry I didn't mean it I'm so so sorry I'm so MEAN *sobbing*-loyalty

Chris walked over to me and gave me a hug and it made me feel better

Its Ok it prolly just ur hormones acting up it not like ever happen to me-doc

Fuck now we have to deal with that shit to-august

AUGUST SHUT THE FUCK UP u did this to me-loyalty


now ur next appointment will be in 3 months and I set it for u-doc

But when do I go home-loyalty

Tomorrow cause later on we need to check on the baby and ur stress levels-doc

Oh k thank u-loyalty

Well I come check on u later have a good rest of the day Mr.brown,Mrs.mason,and Mr.alsina-doc

U to-me and Chris

Well I'm out I aint got to worry bout that baby cause I don't want it-august

I started to cry but stop when August got in my face looking like he was going to hurt me and then he started whispering in my ear saying if I shed a another tear me was gone a fuck me up and I was trying so hard not to cry cause normally I don't cry when someone says mean things to me but I was scared for the baby that's why I was crying if he hurt me he left out the room and Chris cane over to me and kissed me and I kissed him back

Hey u ok-chris

Yep I'm fine I can't stress cause it hurt the baby-loyalty

Are u sur-chris

YES IM FINE DAMNIT HOW MANY *gasp* *sobbing* what's wrong with me-loyalty

Chris pulled me in a hug and I cried and cried I was thinking bout my mom and dad and how I could of stopped alyiah ftom killing my parent but I couldn't and she yelled at my parents to go faster to go to the hospital to see her mom and know what's happening to her but we crashed and they died and me and her survived and I been mad at her sinces and blamed myslef for a long time

Well readers there u have it loyalty is pregnant and august don't want It I wish if a nigga got me pregnant and didn't want the baby I cut his dick off lol and will chris ever find out why she said aliyah killed her parents and will august and loyalty ever get back together or will chris steal her and will august ever want his baby u have to find out till next time BYYYYEEEEE

Kidnapped (august alsina,chris brown,Lucas Coly,jilly Anais,tyga)Where stories live. Discover now