Chapter 3 | The Pinkette

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The Pinkette

"Haven't you heard? He's back!"

Lucy sighs delicately as she scribbled down on her note pad, a pen in her slender fingers and her jaw propped in the palm of her left hand.

It's too early for somebody who just woke up from a shameful Aquarius. Apparently, she reached that point in her life where she got stood up by her boyfriend. Now, it really is too soon for her to try and administer to whatever the tattles are about. Not that she really watches over any gossipy tidbits in any case. It's too early in the morning for those things to begin with.

She shut her eyes and reviews back to yesterday's event. She enlightened no soul regarding any of it. Why would she? She herself can't accept the fact about what she did or how she did that. Moreover, she doesn't believe with what this sort of things have. Yet she completely doubts herself that what happened the previous evening was far from the figments of her imagination.

After Loke filled her in that she passed out from fatigue from the overwhelming energy of the Celestial Spirit King and other things about it, she did her best to persuade herself that Loke's under influence of dangerous drugs. In which, he needed to prove her wrong by getting a medical checkup.

He was so keen about telling her that the incredible fiction is the reality she's living in when in truth, Lucy believes him. She just couldn't get everything wrapped around her head yet. She just lost her parents and learning about what the heck is with this world is something she can't accept that simply and wholeheartedly. She needs time to process.

He's immortal and about a century old. His actual nature is to guide all through the way and shield his Master far from any risks. That is the reason he was talented with the ability to kill a vampire with only a solitary touch on their souls. Be that as it may, since he slaughtered his Master - as he would put it - he needed to pay for it with his life since he broke the bond amongst him and her which is love.

The love for a spirit to his Master and never the other way around. He mustn't hurt them but rather, serve them. He must love them. Loke disclosed to Lucy that the rage he felt is essential in his transition. To battle against the urge to slaughter the person who turned him was his last test to complete the transition and he wretchedly failed by ripping Karen Lilica's heart out barehanded.

Beside him getting killed by a bloodsucking savage ex - as Lucy would lovely put it - how could he come to fruition as a celestial spirit? His inability to answer the question is the thing that Lucy is completely bothered and confounded about.

She blinks herself out from her reverie just to end up strolling through the hallways and to her next class. Has she been reflecting out that much that she didn't realize her own particular body is as of now proceeding onward its own? She shook her head and concentrated on her path just to see the staircase before her. In complete absentmindedness once again.

Her eyes widened as she succumbed to her death and shut her eyes for the looming impact of her stupidity, not having the time to reach for the railings as it is too far from her. She felt arms wrap around her as she landed on something hard shrouded in delicate material.

Somebody caught her. She opened her eyes to see the similar eyes of the man she kissed her way to get hell from. He ends up being an ass - as Lucy would put it - for leaving her no proper choice and fundamentally stealing a kiss from her. Regardless of the fact that she was the one who initiated it and was only on his cheek. He let it be known straight to her face that he was plainly kidding about it directly after she gave in.

In spite of the fact that, she is appreciative to him for saving her sorry self and helped her get to Loke... and furthermore, now that he saved her again on the grounds that she isn't rationally and candidly steady as existing apart from everything else. She surmises that perhaps calling him an ass is somewhat uncalled for.

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