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Just arrived at my dorm here in NYU. Can't wait to see who my roommates are. I am now settling my clothes in the closet in my room while waiting for them. The lady at the front desk told me that I have two roommates.

Just minutes later I hear the front door opening so I went out my room. I saw two beautiful girls walk in.

Eliza : Hi! I'm Elizabeth Schuyler, a pleasure to meet you. I'm your new roommate.

Angelica : Well hello! I'm Angelica Church. We were told you were coming today. How was your trip on the way here?

Eliza : It's great. I've been nervous and excited.

Peggy : Now why are you nervous? I'm Margaret Rensselear. Yes, very foreign I know.

Eliza : Hahaha. Well, it's my first time to live alone in my 19 years of existence so yeah, that's one reason to be nervous.

Angelica : Well, it's all our first time, so let's all be nervous together.

Eliza : Oh by the way, you can call me Eliza. Elizabeth's way too long.

Peggy : Well you can call me Peggy!

Eliza : Peggy? But your name's Margaret...

Angelica : Let's just go with it. Anyway I still go by the name Angelica.

Now that we have finished introducing ourselves, we are now eating lunch in the dining room. And yes, we're still chatting.

Peggy : What course are you taking Eliza?

Eliza : I am taking Comparative Literature courses.

Peggy : Awesome! Angelica and I are also taking that.

Angelica : This will be an awesome adventure you guys!

Eliza : We'll be dormmates and classmates! Super awesome!

Peggy : I have a feeling we'll be more than just dormmates. We'll be sisters!

Angelica : Wooooo! I am so glad to really meet you, you guys!

Eliza : Alright, before our dearest Angelica here cries, let's clean up our plates then how about we go around the campus?

Angelica : I say yes to that!

Peggy : I second that yes! Hahaha

    After a little cleaning up in our room, we went outside and toured around the campus. We are really having a great time.

   In the span of just hours of meeting these two, I have learned so much about them.

   I have learned that Angelica was born in London but was raised here in New York. She also graduated high school being on top of their rankings. And also that she is one year older than me.

   Then I have learned that Peggy has a boyfriend here in NYU and was also in Comparative Literature. She also told us that her parents are divorced and has different families now but they still pay her bills. Also she is one year younger than me.

    Of course since they told me stories about themselves, I told them my story too. I told them that I was an only child. That I never had a relationship before because my parents were too strict. I also told them that I was born in France, raised in Los Angeles and moved to New York when I was 10 years old.

We have our differences, I have learned that too. And I think those differences will help us learn from each other.

These two we're here for a month already because they said that their parents were excited for them to be out of the house already. While mine literally cried their eyes out while taking my luggages out of the car.

While walking near a building, someone called Angelica so we all looked that way.

: Hey Angelica and Peggy!

Angelica : What do you want Burr?

Burr : Well first introduce me to your lovely new friend then I'll tell you the second.

Angelica : Ugh Burr, you always disgust me for being the way you are.

Peggy whispered to me and said 'They had a thing'

So that's why Angelica looks so uninterested talking to this guy.

Peggy : Well, before things starts to heat up. Aaron Burr, Sir. This here is Elizabeth Schuyler.

Eliza : Hi! Nice to meet you Aaron.

Burr : Oh dear, people call me Burr here. Because I'm cool!

Angelica : Excuse me?

Burr : Oh you didn't get it? 'Burrrr' it's like a phrase when your cold right?

Eliza : Hahaha. That's funny.

Burr : Well thank you.

Angelica : Don't flatter yourself too much, Eliza's just kind enough to laugh at your jokes.

Peggy : Ahem. So Burr, what's the real reason why you called us?

Burr : Oh right! Our class is having a party later of course thrown by George at their dorm. I just want to let you know.

Eliza : Oooh. A party. Can I come?

Burr : What course are you taking?

Eliza : Uhmm Comparative Lit.

Burr : Well then you're most certainly welcome. It's a CompLit party. It will be a lot of fun.

Angelica : Alright, thanks for letting us know. Goodbye.

After, Angelica grabbed our arms then ran.

Eliza : So, you two huh.

Angelica : Yeah we we're schoolmates in high school.

Peggy : They fell in love.

Angelica : Oh honey, don't remind me again.

A/N : So that was the first chapter 😬 Please forgive me if there will be grammatical errors, english is not my first language. Also I am not from New York and/or America so everything is truly fictional

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