Beautiful Creatures (Alec Volturi for Kkessler53)

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Alec Volturi for Kkessler53


Kelsi Volturi


"Jane!" I hissed at my best friend.

"Now Kelsi, let's talk about this." Jane backed away from me, her hands were held in front of her in surrender.

This is the Jane that not many people see. She is centuries old but she has lived her life as a normal teenager this whole time.

"Sure Jane, let's talk about how you thought it was a good idea to touch my stuff."

"It wasn't me Kelsi! It was Alec, I promise." She stopped walking backwards when her back almost hit the wall. We were in the corridor of the Volturi castle, also known as our home.

My dead heart almost began to beat again at his name.

"I don't care who it was Jane. One of you little devil children touched my stuff and i want it back."

"You do know your the same age as I am right? That means you just called yourself a child also."

So little miss smarty pants came out to play.

"Jane. Last time someone touched my stuff I tore their arm off." I glared.

"Poor Demetri, I still feel bad for him. Not really." She patted down her black, short dress.

Her blonde hair was down today, and she wasn't wearing her cloak.

"Was it really Alec who stole my necklace?" The object in question was my locket containing a picture of the master's on one side and the wives on the other. I also had a matching bracelet, given to me by Dora, Cauis' wife.

"Yes Kelsi, I promise you." Jane nodded.

My eyes narrowed as I pushed up the sleeves on my blood red V-neck sweater.

"Where is he?"

"Oh probably in the throne room or with Gianna at her desk. Maybe having a meal somewhere. How should I know? I'm not a tracker, ask Demetri." With that my blonde best friend disappeared.

I sighed and walked very slowly down the hall to find the tracker in question.

Jane and I had known each other since she was turned, in fact I was the one that turned her.


"Kelsi, what is that?" Demetri raised a single blonde eyebrow as we hunted in England.

I raised my own dark eyebrow and sniffed delicately.

"Humans of course Demetri darling. Why such a fuss?"

"I did not mean smell my sister. I meant listen." He nodded up ahead.

Indeed I did listen to children laughing in the distance, although I could hear them clearly.

"It's the Witches!"

"Oh no! Run, get away."

Demetri and I glanced at each other, curiosity getting the better if us.

We took off, making sure to keep ourselves hidden and by the time we reached the small village, Felix had joined us.

"So you heard it too?" He asked, causing Demetri to nod once and me to ignore him.

Not that I didn't like Felix it's just I was angry at him for stealing my necklace yesterday.

It was the locket Marcus's wife had given me, and my most prized possession.

On the other side of the trees a tiny girl and boy stood, almost holding each other as the girl cried and children laughed at them.

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