A party? Really?

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THANK YOU GUYS SOO MUCH!! I can't thank you enough! Over 400 reads!But enough about that let's get on with the story already!

Y/n point of view

Yesterday was confusing. I'm not sure if it was the best day of my life or the worse. I can't stop thinking about Cil! He really likes me? He thought he wasn't good enough for me? He loves me but hates himself... I'm not sure, I'm happy no thrilled that he likes me back but he is just as insecure as me.... I wonder if he is ok? I'll see him at school! I'll ask him then! Not worrying about breakfast I ran downstairs. "LETS GO!" I screamed at my mom. "Ok!" She said back. We both headed to the car. As soon as we got in my mom asked. "So is this about that friend you saw yesterday?" She asked then wiggles her eyebrows. I blushed a deep red. "So tell me is it that pink haired boy that was checking you out?" I blushed more. "I'll take that as a yes." Silence surrounded us. "What's his name?" She asked. "Cil!" I peeked up. "Cil? Hmmm.... ok I think I'll like this Cil as my son in law..." "MOM!" I screeched. "Ok! Ok, I'll stop just be quite or your gonna make my ears bleed Y/n!" She parked the car. I jumped out really fast and I almost tripped but I caught myself. I ran away into the school and I didn't stop until I was in art class. I was panting when I reached it. "What's wrong Y/n?" Alphys asked. "Yeah you look troubled!" Cil said then blushed. "Uhhh..... just wanted to get away from my mom?" "Reasonable." Alphys responded. Cil was blushing and looked confused. I grabbed his hand a dragged him into the hallway. "Cil what's wrong?" I asked and he just blushed more. "Is it about what happened last night?" "Wha- wait that wasn't a dream?!?" He asked. "Umm no it wasn't a dream Cil.." "I-ummm sooo.... umm are we well a umm thing now?" He asked. My face erupted with a bright red color. "I-i umm I don't know..." I said awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. "Do you want to be?" He asked. "Ummm... yes?" I said trying to hide my blush but failing miserably. "But umm maybe we should stay friend for a while...." I say cause honestly I'm not sure what couples do... "so you really don't like me? You just said that to make me feel better?" Cil asked with anger and sadness in his voice. "Cil! No! I do I really like you it's just that.." "I'm not good enough for you?!?" Cil said tears threatening to fall. "No! Cil stop saying that! You are great it's just that I don't want you to get hurt cause you are with a freak like me... no one likes me.... and if you get together with me no one will like you and you'll get hurt. If one of us isn't good enough, it's  me! That and I really don't know what couples do." I mumbled that last part. He blushed and giggled nervously wiping away his tears. "I'm so sorry Y/n! I thought you didn't like me... I must have jumped to conclusion too soon. Please forgive me for my misjudgment.." Cil said getting playfully fancy and proper. I giggled and played along. "Oh why yes sir! I forgive you for you most insufferable of actions!" I say in a awful fake British accent. He rubbed his fake mustache and just said. "Wi wi!" Ok I know we were being extremely racists but it was hilarious. We both turned into a laughing fit! Once we regained our composer, Cil wiped away tears from laughing so hard, "yeah! I guess your right Y/n!" He said still catching his breath. "Aren't I always!" I say snarky. He giggled. "Well.." he said holding out his hand. "Friends?" He asks. I take his hand and shake it. "Of course Cil!" I say smiling big not caring about my fangs or how different I was, it was as if at that moment everything was at peace in my world and I felt safe for once, I felt accepted, trusted and wanted. It was as if I had no worries it was just me and Cil and nothing else, just complete expectance. It was wonderful but short lived as soon as our hands parted all the troubles and pain came crashing down on my shoulders again I looked at Cil. He looked sad and empty. Like he felt the same way just then. I smile at him a his face light up at the sight of his favorite gal! I grabbed his hand once more a pulled him into the classroom once more. We were so close to being late. As soon as we entered the bell went off. Mr. Ink motioned us to take our seats. Letting go of Cil's hand I left to sit by the now smirking Alphys. I gave her a confused look and all she did was whisper these three words that made my heart race and face heat up. "I ship it.." I was blushing throughout first period and some on to second, but come third I was fine. I went through my day as usual only having a few bad times... (I had too) it was last period. Which just happened to be free period or study hall. I usually spend my time in the library for that period sometimes talking to Goth. I barely know this man but I can tell he likes Palette! I ship it like Fed Ex! But not nearly as much as I ship PaperFresh (Paperjam and Fresh ship name)!!! So naturally I was gonna go to the library and maybe tease Goth but just as I was about to enter my phone buzzed. It was from Cil!
C- Cil
Y- you

C- Heya you wanna study together?
Y- yeah sure but where you wanna meet?
C- At the water fountain outside
Y- yeah sure see you in a minute!
C- k see you!

So, a sudden change of plans never hurt anyone right? I turned on my heel and practically skipped all the way to the water fountain. When I arrived I found Cil to already have his non-existent nose in a book. A math one to be precise, Cil wasn't very good at math but me in the other hand. It was one of my best subjects! (Sorry if you no good at math! But now yous be smarticle particles!) he still hasn't noticed me. So I sit down next to him. Still nothing, I scoot closer, nothin, I call his name, nothing, I put my hand on his shoulder, he jumped and fell into the fountain. "Oh! Gosh sorry Cil I didn't mean scare you! I didn't know you could be so focused on math!" He blushed and stood up. I went to pick up his book for him but he quickly grabbed it before I could even see what he was working on. Something tells me he's hiding something from me and it's in that book.. "Hey Cil how about you get out of the fountain!" I say. "Oh! Yeah I guess that would be smart." He said sounding down. "What's got you down in the dumps?" I ask softly. "Y/n do you think I'm weird?" He asked. "What kind of question is that? Of course your weird and that's what I love about you! Your not afraid to show your weird side! That shows confidence and that my friend is a great trait to have!" I say giving him a smile. He just looked more sad. "Not everyone sees it that way..." "Cil who cares what they think! If they don't like who you are than they ain't worth your time! The only thing that matters is what you think of yourself. And even if everyone else in this world puts you to shame I will always love and care for you, I will protect you Cil! Trust me." I say. He looks up at me. "You really mean it?" "Yes Cil." I say as I look down to him. "Do you think people just don't know me well enough yet? You know to be nice?" He asked. "You know that's probably it! We just have to find a way to make everyone get to know you better so they won't pick on you any more!" "But what???" I say now confused about how to get everyone to know Cil better. "A party?" Cil says quietly. "That's a great idea Cil!" "The only problem is not only is my house not big enough my dad would never let me host a party!" Cil said. "That's not a problem! We could have it at my house! My mom would love to meet everyone and we live in a mansion with a HUGE pool!" I sat happily. "You would really do that for me!" I nod my head. "Well I'm going to find Alphys, and the guys and tell them about the party so they can help plan it!" I say and run off. I look back to see Cil blushing and smiling looking once again into his math book. I shrug it off and go tell the others about the party. Alphys and Undyne are making invites Fresh and Paperjam are planning what activities we should do, Blooky and me are planning the music and Papyrus insisted on doing the food so we let him. Hope this party goes well...

Cil's point of view!

As soon as Y/n left I was so happy! No one has ever done anything like that for me! She knows just how to cheer me up. I smile and grab my math book. I open it up to the page I was one before. I'm glad Y/n didn't see this, I would be doomed if she did. On that page was scribbles and notes on what I wanted to say to her, and what I thought about her, doodles of hearts and her name scratched along the pages. Along with a picture of her I took while she wasn't looking. And some of the selfies we took together all in which she either had to crouch down or pick me up for us both to be seen! She is tall, strong and the most beautiful and caring and kind person I've ever met! She really is one of a kind. And you can tell by the rings of gold that surround her glimmering e/c eyes. A rare jewel indeed and she is all mine... kind of... we are not a thing yet.. but she did say she loves me! And that's enough for now!

Thank you guys!!! You have no idea how much this means to me!! But anyways have a nice day And BUH BYE!

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