Love Story

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I was awoken on a cold winter morning by my phone ringing, its my friend maria."Hey maria" I say "Hey selene" want to hangout today since its start of school", asked maria, "sure". I put my light blonde hair in a pony tail, put my mascara on and also some foundation as í'm conscious about how pale i am.I meet maria at the bus stop, we greet each other with a squeal and chat.The bus arrives 10 mins later and continued our chatter. We turned up at school and went to our lockers to get our stuff for class, then this new girl came up to me and maria, "hey I'm new here can you girls show me around at lunch"she asked. "umm .....sure" said maria.I look at Maria and ask her "i thought you were going to hangout with me " i ask thinking we always had just the two of us. "Well i want to make new friends Selene dont get so angry you freak" said maria. "Fine, and by the way im not a freak"i said. "What ever Selene". "Ok well im going to class" i said. When i arrived at class everyone was starring at me, I walked up to my seat i always sit at, and then maria and her new best friend said "Selene get out of my seat",I could'nt beleive the way she was acting, "its a free country maria" I say."Ok I'll just sit next to the cool people, cause your a loser" said maria, the new girl just smiled in satasfying way,and started laughing with maria, the whole class time they kept looking back at me and snickering I was beginning to get really angry and upset. *Ding ding ding* the bell went for lunch, i went to my locker and put my stuff in and gradually walked out side, sitting alone in my secret meadow behind the forest. I just sat there looking up to the sky wondering what it would be like not being a outcast and always looked at as a weirdo by everyone at school even though i do have a secret which i 'm always trying to hide, yeah i forgot to mention I'm a vampire!. I thought i had at least one friend that i could trust but now that has been taken from me and once again i'm alone.Not realising how long i have been lying here, all of a sudden the end of school bell rings,I run through the forest fast and when i say fast i mean unnaturally fast, grab my bag and leave the school not even waiting for my bus.The last thing i want to do is see maria for a while. I went straight to my room and went on facebook, i have a friend request i dont know who it is, but i accepted it any way. I recieved a message saying," Hey im new To Your School, Im In your class you might of seen me before.I replied back" Umm, No i Have'nt Seen You Before well at least i don't think i have".He replied back" Ok Why Do you sit by your self always do you have any friends?" I replied "no not any more i had a big fight with my best friend maria today". he replies again" Ok, well, i gtg, see you tomoz and umm.. maybe we umm.. could meet officially,if you want that is." I was stunned why would this boy want to meet me!! I replied one last time "um, yeah that sounds okay, bye cya tomoz" I close off and head downstairs for my  feed of blood that is  kept in the fridge, still pondering on who this boy is and what he really wants.

Next day i went to school nervous but interested in meeting this new boy, when we met it was up before the bell rang i felt butterflies in my tummy,He had dark hair and eyes that could look deep into your soul,with a body that looks like he works out alot.I stood there like frozen in time wondering why he wants to meet me of all girls in this school.Next thing i hear is him saying are you alright? Feeling like an idiot i quickly snap out of my thoghts and red faced answer him "yeah um.. i'm cool so umm... hi "."hey would you like to sit next to me in class today".I can't beleive this is happening to me.We head to class and that was the beginning of my tragic love story.

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please read part two its called love's spell

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