Breaking the rules!!

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I sat at my window as the rain was pouring down outside. I saw the guys playing football like idiots they are gonna get a cold when i didnt see my boyfriend Luke playing out there i was confused. "AHHHHH" i screamed ans started shaking when he came in and jumped on me and grabed me. "what r u doing here you are going to get in trouble ur not allowed here?" i said. We are in boarding schools and they are seperated by girls and boys so we never get to see the guys. "Im willing to break the rules for my favoirte girl in the world" he said so amazingly. i blushed. "I missed u babe" he said to me "I missed u too" i said into his chest and with that we left and went to dinner. He was the one who got me through hell i cut and he made me stop and i got bullied at my last school by my ex boyfriend Chase when we were dating he punched me and raped me so i just dont wanna think about him. "OMG i think im gonna die hide me" i said as i saw Chase walking over to me. i went and sat on Luke's lap "if he hurts u i will kick his ass" Luke whispered in my ear. "Hey bitch and bitch's boyfriend" Chase said. "Get the hell away from her ok" luke yelled and if he wanted attention he sure got it everyone was staring now. "what are you gonna do about it" chase said acting all tough. then he touched my boobs and i screamed "DONT EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN I WILL KICK YOUR ASS" not thinking then i felt a hard slap across my face "Oh watch me" he said as he slaped me again. Luke grabed his hand and nearly broke it "Touch my girlfriend again and you will be sorry Chase Masterson" Luke said scaring Chase. Chase ran away i was on the floor still. "Oh my god babe are you ok?" Luke said sounding worried sick. I didnt answer i just proceded to cry into his arms. "We have to get you back to the dorm your nose is bleeding" he said. I noded. as we walked to my room 207 my roomate Katie was watching a movie with her boyfriend and then i remembered it was free night we got to do whatever we wanted as the teachers "hung out" "Omg Kat what happened was it Chase?" she asked. I havent talked since i yelled at Chase i just nodded and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up. my phone was buzzing it was the Miami police department only my family lives down there i answered "Hello?" I asked. "Hi this is Rachel at the Miami Police Department I sorry to inform you that there was a murder" the lady said my heart dropped "And what does this have to do with me?" i asked. "Well Katarinia is it?" "Kat i said and yes" i said witha bit of an attitude "It was your family I am so sorry dear this was shocking to us even your family is very nice and appreciated by this city" the lady said i was crying and hung up the pphone and screamed. Everyone rushed in and asked what was wrong "My-My-My parents are -they are dead" i said in between tears "Omg babe im so sorry come here" Luke said coming to hug me "No i need some air" i said with that i left and went for a walk. Who would have done this? This makes no sense to me who hates my parents this much or who hates me this much and the only person i could think of was people back home. At first i thought Chase would have done it but he is here so there is no way. As im walking i walk into some coffee shop and see the news " Im outside the empty Carter Family's house there 16 daughter Katarinia is away at bording school and is coming back for the court case of this murder the only one left is Katarinia..." the news reporter said standing outside my parents house. The whole restarrant was now staring at me. I suddenly dropped to the floor in tears and I felt to sick I just wanted to die. Nobody understood why it was so painful to go places I'm scared that's why.

Broken. There is no other feeling i have right now i ran out and into tge woods. Luke came screaming "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU....?" i tried to fight back tears he heard my soft whimpers.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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