Chapter Two

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Bex's POV;

Even though I am British by blood, I even have a British passport, I sound Canadian. I stared at Leondre as we walked and he talked. "Your British." I finally said what had been on my mind since he'd first spoken to me. "Well done, Einstein." He joked, I rolled my eyes. "What are you doing in Canada?" I stared at him, trying not to let my mind run away with me. Leo just shrugged and smirked, as he said, "you know me, I'm such a rule breaker." I stopped walking and folded my arms. "I'm not here to play games." My voice was almost as cold as the snow that had began to fall. "I know." Leo said, calmly. "I just can't tell you something you don't have the clearance to know." I stared at him, he stared back at me as he watched the words sink in. "No.." I shook my head, refusing to believe him as I took a step backwards. He reached out to grab me, but I pulled away from his grasp. "You know who I am." I whispered. Sure, Mia knows most things about my family, that my dad is wanted and my mum's ex MI6. But that was mostly because her mum and dad worked with my mum, Mia and her family were the good guys. I stared at Leo, with his messy hair that covered half his face and a shiver went down my spine. "And if you were half the spy you thought you was, you'd know me too." Leo whispered, taking a step towards me. A darkness filled his eyes, but he wasn't looking at me, he was looking past me. I spun around, but the lights of the SUV were too bright, I shielded my eyes with one hand as I felt Leo grasp my other. "It's okay, their Secret Service." Leo was saying. "It's probably because your parents are looking for you." I glanced at him. "How do you know?" He smirked. "Spy." The figures dressed in black were getting closer, one of them shouted above the sounds of the sirens. "Are you Rebecca Morgan?" I couldn't help myself, I spun around and ran, taking Leo with me.

"Woah, your quite a fast runner." Leo said, as we ran down snow covered roads, into the darkness of the night. I didn't answer him, I just kept my eyes forwards as my arms pumped at my sides. I would've kept running forever if Leo hadn't of grabbed my arm and pulled me into the forest. We were shrouded in shadows, as trees towered above us, their branches groaning underneath the weight of snow. "Do you know where we're going?" He asked, sounding out of breathe. I raised my eyebrows at him, ignoring his questions. "Too fast for you, huh?" I turned and started walking. "Bex, why did you run away like that?" Leo tried again, as he followed hot on my heels. "I'm sorry but do I even know you?" I snapped, turning to face him. "" Leo stared at me, trying to get his words out. "Because last time I checked, your just someone who was kind enough to help me but I'm okay now. I'm just sorry I don't want to tell you my life story." A small smirk started forming on Leo's face, and I couldn't work out why on earth he was so happy. Until he took a step forward, closing the already small space in between us and whispered, "spy." His breathe was warm on my face and I couldn't help it, I started panicking. I couldn't breathe as I stood starring at the only person who truly knew me. I, the chameleon, had never felt so un-invisible in my life. My back was against the harsh bark of a tree, I started to shiver for reasons that had nothing to do with the cold. "Bex, I'm one of the good guys, I promise." He said. "How do I know?" I shot back, just as a gun shot sounded out and everything faded to black.

The light was too bright when I opened my eyes, it reflected off the white walls and white floors surrounding me. The bed I lay in was comfortable, but foreign. I fingered the soft linen, as my head swirled. The only sound was the subtle beep, beep of the machine that had been keeping me alive. I tried to sit upright, but my head swam and the world got blurry. The doors were pushed open as a tall, slim nurse walked in. "Signorina, please do not move." She spoke with broken English, but her eyes were kind and her smile warm, so I did as she said. "It is not good for your head." She said, handing me a glass of water. I took a sip of the water before asking, "what happened to me? Was the bullet wound bad?" I asked the nurse, remembering the gunshots. Remembering Leo. "Oh, no Miss, you are not here because of a bullet wound." The nurse looked at me, as if she felt sorry for me. She started fiddling around with the machines as she spoke, "you hit your head, we think, a young man brought you here." I set the glass of water down on my bedside table. "How long? How long have I been here?" I asked the nurse, almost frightened to hear the answer. "Now, don't you worry about that." She said, but it only made me more mad. "How long?" I snapped, but my mouth was so dry I started coughing. "Your young man brought you here at the beginning of Spring." I almost choked on my mouthful of water. "Spring?'s December. We haven't even had Christmas yet." My hands started to shake, as the realisation dawned on me. I couldn't remember the last six months. "Now, Signorina, why don't you get some rest." The nurse said, but I wasn't tired. She was almost through the door, when I called after her, "what was his name? The boy who brought me here?" I asked. The nurse thought for a moment before saying, "Devries. I believe he said his name was Mr Devries."

They let me go after two days, there was nothing broken except my brain. The summer sun felt strange on my skin as I walked through the cobblestone streets of Rome and every time I caught sight of my reflection in a shop window, it reminded me of everything I couldn't remember. I was skinnier than I remembered, my hair was blonde and shorter. I had gashes on my wrists and ankles that were just starting to heal, and the bullet wound in my shoulder was nothing but a scar. I thought about what the nurse had said, as I walked into the main town square. It was crowded here and I found it easy to slip into the shadows, deep into the crowds. I stopped and looked up at the perfectly blue sky, a plane was in the distance, sending white clouds of smoke in its wake and I knew what I was looking for wasn't here. Leondre wasn't in Rome, he'd just left me here. Alone. I slipped into a side street, it was dark here and the air more musty. I heard voices carrying on the wind but I couldn't understand what they were saying, so I just kept walking. Mistake number one. I had somehow gotten careless over the last six months. I didn't notice the boy who was now following me, not until his hands were over my mouth and he was dragging me into a cold, abandoned building. I tired to scream, to kick out but I was too tired, too weak. Memories flashed through my head, but from when they were I didn't know. The boy finally let me go, but he didn't hurt me. No, it was far far worse. He turned me around to face him, and lifted the hat that hid his face as he smiled at me. I stared at the last face I could remember, those stupid brown eyes, and I hit him.

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I hope you enjoyed!

I n s t a g r a m: pengmendes

- Naomi x

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