17. admitted

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In Taehyung's Car. Somewhere in an empty parking Lot.

Tae waited for Jimin's drugging to pass... It took a few if not 8 hours for it to fully be gone.

Jimin was sitting in Taehyung's car.... alone with Tae... Kind of just silently thinking to themselves.

"You know that I was in the hospital because of cocaine... and you still did it.." Tae broke the silence.

"I know. But is it that big of a deal, Tae?"

"Why did you do it?"

"Why not??"

Tae sighed, and hit his steering wheel in anger. "OKAY TELL ME-" he raised his voice at Jimin.


Jimin stayed silent.

"I'M NOT LOSING YOU, JIMIN. I stopped doing drugs, anD YOU SHOULD TOO," Tae exclaimed once again.

He took Jimin's hand.

But Jimin jerked off Taehyung's grip.

"Don't hold my hand," Jimin said monodically.



"What is bothering you?"

Jimin sighed, and got out the car. Tae would not let Jimin go anywhere... he got out the car also.

"Tell me. I will do anything for you," Tae spoke loudly so Jimin would not walk any further.

Jimin stopped walking, and looked down at the ground. He hid his hands under his sleeves, and kind of just hugged himself.

Tae walked behind him, and stood to his side.

"If you tell me. I will understand...." Tae said softly.

Jimin looked up at Tae.

"I like you," Jimin said really fast, and then looked away again.

Tae's heart felt at rest that THAT was the case, and not something else.

He turned Jimin so he faced him. He wrapped his arms around Jimin, and embraced him.

Tae's lips leaned towards Jimin's ear. "Hug me back, bro."

Jimin buried his face in Tae's shoulder since Tae was taller, and wrapped his arms around Tae's body.

Tae continued to whisper things in Jimin's ear.

"Don't stress about that, okay?"

Jimin nodded.

"You look cute with your sleeves down like that, " he said attempting to ease Jimin off again.

He knew how to make Jimin feel comfortable in this situation.

"And you are a total sub, Jiminie, "he said making Jimin smile a little.

Jimin hugged Tae a little tighter, and spoke in his ear back.

"Yes I am a soft bottom. I get it,"

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