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I listened as Mary Beth opened her eyes and stretched her arms before she got out of bed. I knew she was awake by the sounds her bed makes with motion.

"Hello Herbert." she said, walking over and picking me up. I kept my mouth closed, not by choice, but by force. I dangled from her hand as she thudded around the room.

I watched her white gown drag along the floor, leaving the floor behind her spotless.

"Mary Beth. Get back in the bed please. It's not time" the nurse in the white clothes said, pulling her to the bed.

"I DONT WANT TO!" She screamed, pushing and kicking. "Code blue," the nurse said to the incoming man in black. "Time for a lock down." she said as they carried her to the bed. The man threw me back unto my spot on the chair.

They pulled the white sheets off her bed, revealing the leather straps, two on each side of the bed.

"NO!" 10 year old Mary Beth screamed as they strapped her to the bed. They wrapped cloth around her eyes and mouth and quickly left and locked the room.

"HERBERT!! WHERE ARE YOU" I sat and watched her struggle as her voice played over and over in my head. "Herbert... is that you? Did you just talk??" That was the night she sowed my mouth back together after she cut me a mouth. I said one word. One word that set her off. Blood. Blood blood blood. The only word I had on my mind that night. I don't know why but it was

*SNAP* one of the straps holding her arm down broke. She ripped of the gag and blindfold and threw them on the floor. She snapped the other arm strap off and unbuckled the leg holds.

Gasping for air, she grabbed me and opened up the window. She jumped out landing on her feet but running a few steps afterwards. She smirked a devilish smirk, revealing her deep dimples that look blue with bruises. The dark bags shone in the light as she looked at the sun.

"I've done it." She said chuckling, grabbing me tightly. She quickly turned and ran quickly into the forest. She smiled so hard until her lip started ripping on the left side leaving a trail of blood falling off her chin. Blood. The word staying with me.

She kept running until she slipped, hitting her head on a root. "Ow! That bloody hurt!!" she cringed, standing up, shaking off. She kept her head at an angle from the way she hit it.

"MARY BETH!!!!!" Screamed a familiar voice. Shane. Mary Beth turned around and saw Shane running into the forest with a syringe in hand. "No no no no no." She said, picking me up by my linen paw. She ran, stumbling on her own feet.

She panicked as she saw Shane getting closer. Mary Beth reached into her faded blue sock, pulling out a pocket knife. Blood. I mumbled through my stitched mouth. She kept me in hand and slowly approached Shane, holding the open knife in her fist.

"Mary Beth?" He whispered, stepping slowly, not noticing the knife by her side. He placed his hand on Mary's shoulder. "Don't touch me." She said through her gritted teeth. He brought his right hand that had the syringe to her neck

"DONT TOUCH ME!!!" Mary Beth screamed, pushing the syringe to the ground and plunging the knife into his heart and dragging it down diagonally, forming an X over his heart. "Cross your heart, hope to die." She whispered, taking the needle and thread from the edge of my mouth.

She quickly sewed his mouth shut and kissed his cheek, leaving a pink lipstick stain.

Mary Beth then picked me up and we continued on our way. "Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb" she sang quietly.

Where are we going, you might ask? our next victim, of course.

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