i. meeting the parents

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Faye bumped her hips towards Scott McCall, giggling as she turned around to take a glimpse of his face. "You know, my mom's asking all about you so they decided to invite you over for dinner tonight." She told her boyfriend, smiling up at him as her blonde hair flew everywhere but mostly ending up on her face.

Together, they stood at the preserve, trying to appreciate mother nature today.

Scott hummed along, his lips going sideways as he thought about it. "I'll go– if they wouldn't pull a Chris Argent on me." He told her, joking around as he held her hands.

Faye rolled her eyes, remembering the times that Scott told her the story of Chris scaring him. He probably would have jumped out of the window if he had the chance than watch Chris send him a glare. "Ha ha, you're very funny." She said sarcastically, pushing him off of her which caused the Beta to drop his hold on Faye's hands and fall to the ground due to the strong push.

He frowned as he always liked touching her. He placed his hands on either side of him and used it as a way to lift himself up on the ground slightly. "You're being more sarcastic nowadays. I think you should stop spending too much time with Stiles." He stated from the ground.

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"I'm offended." Stiles said through the other line as Faye told him what Scott told her earlier.

The Aderes jumped on her bed, planting her body to the mattress, still not ready as she's clearly wearing her shorts and tank top. She's way too underdressed to go eat dinner with her parents and boyfriend. "Don't tell him I told you." She warned him.

"Too late. He heard everything." Faye's eyes widened after Stiles told her that but cursed at him when he started letting out series of laughter, not showing any signs of stopping.

Stiles wiped the invisible tears streaming down his face, "Finally got you. Clearly, you didn't think that I would let it slide after you made me believe that there was a supernatural creature in the preserve." He uttered out, remembering that day.

Faye giggled, "It was a harmless prank." She stated but Stiles was already shaking his head, disagreeing.

"It was 3 AM! I also had to explain to my father how I got a deep cut on my forehead when it was from tripping on a branch and hitting my forehead on a rock." He exclaimed as Faye imagined that he would be holding his phone with one hand while the other would show off insane hand gestures. "You're lucky that I just pulled off that 'Scott heard the whole thing' prank–"

"I bet that's the only one that you can come up with." Faye cut him off before her eyes landed on her clock, showing the time that she has left. 20 minutes.

"Yikes, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." Without waiting for a response from the Sheriff's son, she hung up.

♚ ♚ ♚

"So, Scott, do you plan on marrying my daughter someday?" Faye's dad asked Scott as they sat around the dining table to eat dinner.

Faye looked at her father immediately, sending him a glare as Scott tried not to sputter the remaining water inside his mouth while her mom swatted her husband's arm.

The Aderes looked over to Scott who's just beside her and grabbed his hand, tracing imaginary circles on it with her thumb as they hid it under the table. "Dad, why would you even ask that?" Faye groaned out, already embarrassed. The only thing in her mind was the fact that her father broke his promise, after having a very serious talk to him about being nice and avoid the embarrassing questions, he agreed to her terms and conditions but now he was already breaking his promise of staying nice and be on his best behavior.

Scott blinked rapidly as he thought if he was actually meant to answer that question, "Is that question meant to be answered or–" He closed his mouth after seeing the look that his girlfriend gave him.

"How was your summer, Scott?" Faye's mom asked instead, covering the mistake that her husband did. This made Faye relax.

Scott went on about how his summer was and it lead on the events that they encountered supernatural creatures. It was a long talk but it made Faye smile as she watched her parents finally get along with Scott considering that both have knowledge about the supernatural world. They also approved of Scott's plans for his future, obviously liking him more.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Scott turned to look at Faye, who was smiling at him proudly. She didn't know how the dinner would go, narrowing it down to only two paths. One path is the successful one while the other is the disaster and she would be lying if she didn't thought about the dinner ending up on the latter part.

"I really like him, you know." Her mother whispered to Faye when they were finished eating. Faye grinned at her mother, glad that this turned out well.

"Oh, maybe I can help in cleaning the dishes–" Scott began to stand as he noticed that Emily started putting away the used dishes.

But then, Emily shook her head with a smile on her face. "We got this, Scott. Why don't you and Faye go out, take a walk or look at her baby album."

Faye's eyes widened, "Mom, you too?" She let out a sigh, wanting to bury herself alive due to her parents embarrassing her. She was worried about her Dad's behavior, but not her Mom's.

Emily laughed lightly while her husband looked at her with a smile playing on his lips. "I'm just teasing you, hun."

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"I'm sorry about my parents." Faye says to her boyfriend as they walked along the sidewalk with the barely lit lamplight helping them see through the dark.

Scott let out a laugh, an adorable laugh that Faye absolutely adored. "They were amazing, Faye. Don't worry, at least they weren't those parents who brings out the gun and threatens the boyfriend."

The Aderes bit her lower lip lightly to supress the smile that was forming. "Do you mean the Argents?" She giggled, her eyes squinting as bubbles of laughter erupted from her. "I still think that it's funny."

Scott rolled his eyes but glad that he could make Faye laugh a lot. He would know that he wasn't doing a perfect job in being a great boyfriend if he couldn't make her laugh or even smile. "Yeah, it's a good thing that Allison was there." As soon as those words left his mouth, he regretted it. He noticed the uncomfortable look resting upon the Smith girl's face. Her eyes diminishing the light beneath them and replacing it with emptiness as her smile turned into a slight frown. "I– I'm–"

"Do you still love her?" Faye asked quietly, looking up at Scott.

Scott stopped walking which made Faye stop as well, ending up beside him. She could barely look at him, afraid to know his answer. "Hey, let's not talk about her, okay? What matters right now is that I got you and you got me. I want to focus on the present and that's with you, Faye." He told her, looking into her eyes before kissing her.

But she couldn't help but think that he didn't answer her question.

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first chapter omg, i'm so excited to write this because i have a lot of plans for SCAYE and Faye's relationship with the other pack members. I hope you liked this one! Remember to vote and comment. Lots of love.

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