Face Your Demons

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-Third's Pov-

Chibita: Are you sure you don't need to see a psychiatrist?

Osomatsu: Chibita, I said I'm fine.

It's been a week since the "Osomatsu-almost-committing suicide-incident". He was now under the watchful eye of Chibita 24/7. His friend begged him to go see a psychiatrist saying it would do him some good. But he said he's alright.

To be honest, why should Osomatsu see someone who probably don't do their job right or is just pretending to help but doesn't care about him at all? Most people like that are just fakes.

Sure that sounded a bit harsh to say. But it was true of how people hide who they really are just to get paid.

Hypocritical Bastards...

Chibita sighs. Once again, there was the stubbornness that Osomatsu hold in his being.

But he for once, didn't care. He was not going to let Osomatsu make a fool outta himself and suffer some more.

He was going to help him wheter he like it or not.

Chibita: I'm not stupid Osomatsu...Why?

Osomatsu stopped moving and looked at the smaller man.

Osomatsu: W-What do you mean?


Osomatsu: I...Well...

Chibita: How can you be so stupid?!

Now it was Osomatsu turn to yell. He was tired of everyone calling him stupid.

Osomatsu: Shut up! Like you know anything! Like you know how it feels like to lose everyone you care about! You don't know the pain I went through!

Chibita: I DO YOU DAMN IDGIT!!!!

Osomatsu was about to say something back until he noticed tears coming outta Chibita's eyes.

Chibita: I...know how it feels like to lose everyone you care about...

Osomatsu cussed underneath his breath. He forgot Chibita was an orphan when he was young. He never really knew his parents. The only person who taught him how to take care of himself was Iyami. That guy was like a father to him. Now that the guy was gone, Chibita had to learn how to take care of yourself. Heck, he did a pretty good job at it too. Also the others were Chibita's friends too. So he did know what it felt like to lose everyone he cared about.

Osomatsu felt like an asshole again.

Osomatsu: Chibita...I-I'm sorry...I didn't mean none of that.

Chibita: Oh shut it you idgit. This isn't about me. It's about you.

Osomatsu sighed as he nodded.

Chibita: So...Care to explain why you try to off yourself like that?

Osomatsu: Well...

Osomatsu was not really good at stuff like that. Ya know, talking about his problems. Usually he would just make sure he keep it to himself. Like most people. But sometimes, he knew there are at times, like him, people need to let their emotions out.

So he told Chibita about how he is seeing his dead brothers haunting him. Blaming him for their death and an child image of him keeps appearing trying to make him forcefully move on. But he couldn't help but wonder why though.

What is the Child Osomatsu's motives in all of this?

Chibita was shock before. But his expression show bewilderment and horror. He was afraid of this. He knew Osomatsu condition was getting worse. Most people would probably believe the adult NEET was making this up. But Chibita could tell he was telling the truth. Unless he do something about it, Osomatsu might end up trying to commit suicide again. Chibita did not want that. He did not want to be lonely again.

Osomatsu: So...What do you think?

Chibita: Osomatsu...As much as I don't want to believe you...But I do. You need to face this.

Osomatsu: B-But how Chibita?! He just keeps appearing?!

Chibita then gave him a another frown.

Chibita: Then MAKE him leave.

Osomatsu: Huh?

Chibita: It's your mind Osomatsu. No longer his. You are now the adult. You have full control of your own mind. But...

Osomatsu waited for him to finish until Chibita finally spoke once more. His eyes now showing determination.

Chibita: It's time for you to learn how to battle your demons.

When some situations happen, our Ego will take control.

Another personality will assume the command.

And we might do or say things that we will regret later.

Osomatsu-san: Blowfish IncidentWhere stories live. Discover now