Hey guys! I decided that I would write two books and post as much as I could. Since I posted "The Girl in the Woods" today, I will post a chapter for "The Never Ending Story" tomorrow and so far. So I hope you guys like "The Never Ending Story" so yeah.
The books that will be starring in "The Never Ending Story" will be Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, Ever After High, and The Land of Stories.
I hope you will enjoy my two new books 'The Never Ending Story" and "The Girl in the Woods". Leave a comment down below if you have any suggestions or comments about the stories as I continue to write as you read. Thanks so much guys! - Kitty
The Never Ending Story
AdventureWhat would happen if stories were combined? All the characters into one tale? Into one story that didn't have an end? With characters lives changed forever? With the reader never knowing what will happen at the never ending story. When lives are nev...