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Ruth knew that she shouldn't have gotten so close to Siren's Bay. As soon as she had, a beautiful, male voice enchanted her.

"Under furious waves, into twisted watery caves, lays a treasure of gold and song, guarded by a creature with a twisted sense of right and wrong..." The voice sang. Ruth started walking closer to the water, step by step. Suddenly, something barged into her, snapping her out of the trance. She looked up and saw it was her father, William Curdow.

"What are you doing at Siren's Bay?!" He snapped at her. She was shivering violently, eyes wide in shock.

"I-I don't know! I-I just heard h-humming from over here, and it made me forget that the-there were sirens here! I'm sorry!" Ruth cried, tears starting to pour from her eyes like a waterfall. She had heard humming coming from the water, and couldn't resist its pull. William's glare softened. Everyone who heard a Siren's Song couldn't resist its trance.

"We need to get out of here before the sirens resume their Song,'' He suggested. Ruth hooked her arm through her father's and started walking away from Siren's Bay, the Siren's Song still echoing in her head, bouncing around and drowning out all other sounds. She stole a look behind her shoulder, surprised at what she saw. There was a male siren with brown hair and glowing silver eyes, staring at her, only his eyes above the water. Quickly, the siren ducked his head under the water, his blue tail slapping the water quietly before fading away from sight, deeper into Siren's Bay. Ruth shuddered, glad her father had saved her before she could wade deeper into Siren's Bay.

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