Chapter 16 - Search For You Again

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Last edited: 07/01/2020



Reshiram followed my instructions. As I got off and onto the ground, it flew off away from the city. Afterward, I began heading to the Ferris wheel, preparing my Xtransciever for whatever's to come.

I'm glad that I had stopped by the Pokétch Company in Jubilife City back in Sinnoh. The creators were planning on making an app that is used to record sounds, as a useful tool for the Sinnoh police. I volunteered to be one of the testers for this new app, so let's see if it works.

If possible, I hope this recording can be sent to Touya somehow.

I took off my Xtransciever and shoved it in my bag, with the recording app turned on. As I approached the Ferris wheel, I noticed Rosa standing in front of the entrance, staring down at her Xtransciever. She looked up and noticed my presence.

"White, I'm glad you came. For a moment I was worried you wouldn't show up," she greeted shyly.

"I came here willingly. Hopefully, you won't waste my time. You brought me here to clear up misunderstandings?"

Rosa nodded. "Yes, I know you must've been told negative things about me. It's not really what you think—I'm sure even Black misunderstood me as well. Come with me. The Ferris wheel is about to operate. Let's ride together."

'It's some sort of trap,' I told myself, and I knew that I was walking straight into one. However, if it does endanger my life I'll at least have the evidence to notify Touya.

"Tepig!" I heard a Pokémon cry out, in which appeared behind Rosa's legs.

"Oh! You're Gigi!" I exclaimed.

Gigi was one of the Pokémon that worked in Pokéstar Studios. I remembered the times that I visited the backstages Gigi was there practicing her acting. Due to my frequent visits, Gigi and I had gotten along very well.

Gigi squealed happily, and as I sat inside one of the carts Gigi hopped onto my lap. I took off my bag and placed it beside my seat, allowing Gigi to rest on my lap comfortably. After Rosa got in as well, the workers closed the door before continuing the rotation.

"I see you've met Gigi. We've been working on many films together, but it didn't seem to like me during the first few. The directors encouraged me to get out with Gigi more often," Rosa explained.

"Gigi's very passionate about acting. However, I've heard Gigi's been battling a couple of times, so it can get stubborn a few times."

I noticed that Gigi huffed in response, turning her head away from me for a moment; however, she glanced back towards me and continued nuzzling its head in my stomach.

"I see... I hope to improve my acting so that I can have the chance to talk to Black," Rosa suddenly confessed.

"Confess to my brother?" I raised a brow.

"Wait, Black's your brother!?" she questioned, clearly startled.

"Yes, he is my brother. He has always been my brother, and you would've challenged him at the League if not for the film Mr. Gold had Black participate in."

She took a deep inhale, before relaxing her shoulders.

"There was a film Black participated in called 'Truth and Ideals'. It hasn't been released yet, but the teasers have been getting a lot of attention. I managed to get a glimpse of a clip from the film and—"

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