The Tale of the Last Spartan

39 1 1

December 31, 3000

"~Spartan-352 do you copy~", " This is Spartan I read you over."

Last known Data log:








"~Spartan this is Houston what's your status?~","I'm heading to the front gate Houston I don't want to be left out here like last time." Over in the comm room the officer was fuming while mumbling ' that happen only one time'. Ethan thought to himself wandering why he hasn't seen any other Spartans. The closest he ever gotten close to any other spartan was when he was in training.' I wander where they are?' Ethan didn't notice that he kept his foot on the gas pedal and was about to crash into a wall."SPARTAN STOP THE WARHOG, NOW!" Ethan was now back in reality and immediately hit the brakes. He look up to face a pale looking elite who he new all too well." oh hey Aaron how's it going long time no see."

Data log






"ETHAN, YOU FUCKING IDIOT YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!","" The look on Aaron's face was clear as day... he was pissed." so! So! SO! (teapot steaming sound) THAT'S ALL YOU CAN SAY WHEN YOU ALMOST FUCK SOMETHING UP EVERY TIME!",""Aaron's face was priceless that Ethan immediately took a photo of him." I fucking hate you." before Ethan could agitate him more was interrupted by AI." Boys no fighting on the base." Ethan and Aaron both looked down. " Sorry, Nova" they said at the same time." Agh just the soldiers I wanted to see. Come we got something important to discuss."." SIR YES SIR!" The group now headed through the base to the debriefing room." alright Ethan, Aaron we have a task for the two of you sense you two have partnered up in the past. A couple weeks ago we received from a exploration Drone that there is a new planet that is exactly like earth. We want you to investigate the new planet to see if it is inhabited or see if it is inhabitable? Am I clear." , "Sir yes Sir"

Then a marine came in and escorted our War Heroes to the armory."So Spartan I was told you and the elite were going to a new planet and we all know no world is all goody goody so were going to give you an addition to your armor. The eggheads cooked up some tech that makes you have unlimited ammo and boasts your shields to times four. Man if they made that addition sooner you wouldn't have been the only spartan alive."," Wait what do you mean only spartan alive?" The marine paled." I umm I wasn't supposed to say that."," Ethan it's alright." the look on his face was something Aaron had never seen on Ethan, sadness," Delta, foxtrot, onyx there all dead, how?","Ethan they were killed by a rouge UNSC ship there wasn't anything anyone could do." Aaron was ashamed that he had to keep the event hidden from his best friend." Lets get this mission over with alright." A couple minutes later they came out with their weaponry and headed to the ship bay." Hey Ethan, I'm sorry I had to keep this from you and I was just following orders."," Hey it's cool just don't mention it around me okay." Aaron smiled as they loaded onto the pelican." so Aaron are you gonna drive or me?" it's going to fly it's self lets just go into cryo sleep." Nova appeared before them," Alright guys I'll put you in cryo sleep, when you reach the planet you will be awoken so good luck."

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