Chapter 11 - High Treason

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Night enveloped the world once more as the girls entered the vehicle bay of the refuge. Violina hoped there wouldn't be too much fuss and celebration at her success as all she really wanted was medical treatment.

They had just parked their ATS-Vehicles when Commander Forge entered the bay. "State your report," he commanded without so much as an acknowledgment of the girls' glaring injuries.

"I've got the targeting system," replied Violina, opening the hatch of her ATS.

Forge's eyes brightened at this news, but his voice did not show any hint of being pleased. "And the rest of the equipment? Why are you not with our hauler?"

Lux hobbled over as Violina explained.

With zero gratitude for what the girls had pulled off against all odds, Forge was furious. "Why did you disobey my direct orders?!"

"Well, as you might've noticed," replied Violina coldly, "we're both a fair bit less than healthy. We'd be as good as dead had we stayed out there any longer."

Forge eyed her up and down with disdain on his face. "I married two women like you and divorced them both!"

As obnoxious a statement as it was, Violina couldn't help but laugh as there was no way Forge could ever get a girl like her.

He continued. "I will turn you over to the cybernetics infirmary for your injuries, but as soon as you are out, I will send you straight back on a mission to Eden and see if you manage to survive that!" He took the targeting system and motioned for them to follow.

Violina was more fascinated than disgusted with his behavior. How was it possible for a human being to be so mental?

Upon entering the main chamber of the refuge, Kali intercepted them. "Your orders, Forge?"

"Take them to the cybernetics infirmary."

Kali nodded. "Right this way." She began leading the girls down a nearby stairway. As soon as Forge was out of sight, she exclaimed, "Heavens, you're gravely wounded!"

"We've noticed," replied Lux and Violina in unison.

"I don't want to be one to complain," began Lux, struggling to descend the stairs. "This is really more out of curiosity than having anything to do with my near-inability to stand, but would it kill you guys to install an elevator to the infirmary? That seems like it might be a possible humongous oversight."

Kali's expression turned sour. "How about I make a suggestion box? We can put that with everything else Forge won't care about in the slightest."

Violina, picking up on Kali's less-than-concealed disdain for Forge, spoke up. "So, about Commander Forge. How shall I say this? His is an unsettling brand of crazy, isn't it?"

Lux answered before Kali even had a chance. "I'd sure say so! I am literally dying, and he is still the worst part of my day. That said, I wouldn't say I hate him. I just don't like him. At all."

Kali studied the girls as if deciding whether or not to trust them with what she wanted to vent. "This is just between us, but he's erratic. One minute he can appear calm and professional and the next he bursts out into violent madness, but we aren't exactly a democracy. Our options are to obey or be kicked out of the refuge."

Violina didn't know what to say. It didn't matter whether it was her father, the Law Makers, Vexia, Kza, the High Cleric, the Separatists, Titus and Connor, or now the leader of the Resistance. They were all insane in their own way.

"As they say, 'derangement builds its home in the minds of the ambitious'," said Kali, pointing to a door at the base of the stairs. "Well, this is the place. Head on in and they'll get you patched up."

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