Chapter 5

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      Richie dashed down along side a stream and his glasses almost fell from his face he was quick to catch them though. He heard screams not to far away panic and fear washed over him. The Bowers gang was catching up to him. The Bowers had never actually got a hold of him before but they had got a hold of Ben once and he didn't want what happened to Ben to happen to him. So he took a deep breathe and started running as fast as his legs could carry him.

     "I'm gonna getchya ya four eyed fag!" Henry screamed while Victor and Belch cheered him on. Richie was praying now. Praying that he wasn't gonna get his ass kicked or even get killed by the Bowers gang. Richie had barely lived his life yet he was to young to die. These thoughts raced through his head as he picked himself back up and kept running.

     Richie started to slow down after a while realizing  that running became harder and harder every few feet he dropped onto his knees and clutched his stomach feeling like he was gonna vomit. "Therya are Richie! Get em boys!" Richie tried to get up but it was too late his collar was now in the cold vicious grasp of Victor Criss. Belch grabbed his left arm and Victor grabbed his right and jerked him upward to face Henry Bowers. His cold black eyes pierced Richies soul. Richie was thinking of many snotty remarks that would in this moment get him killed.

    "Well looky what we have here. HAHA a little queer boy. Kissed any boys lately gay-zier." Richies cheeks heated up and he looked shamefully at the ground as the Bowers gang laughed. "Have haven't ya?" Well I'm only gonna hurt you a little today cause I wouldn't want ya to be late for your date tonight." He obnoxiously laughed again. Richie didn't get it what was so funny to them.

     "At least I don't get hand jobs from random guys and then pretend I'm straight!" Richie yelled and spat in Henry's face. He knew automatically that was a mistake but they were pissing him off. Henry punched him right in the nose and then held his face up so he was looking directly in his eyes. "Think you're funny don't ya? It'll be real funny when the cops come through here in a week or so and find your dead rotting corpse crawling with maggots."

     Richie felt a hot stream of blood running down his top lip and slowly into his mouth and onto his chin. He was filled with fear as he looked Henry in his cold black eyes. Everything that happened next went by so slow that he thought he was dead and possibly that his soul was leaving his body. Victor shoved him onto the ground and they began kicking the shit out of him Richie struggled and screamed but he knew no one was around for miles. This lasted a good five minutes before Henry picked him up and gave him one last good punch in the face that knocked him out cold. The Bowers left him there on the ground and walked away happy like children that had just found money lying on the sidewalk.

     Richie awoke hours later covered in sweat, dirt, bugs, and his own blood. His whole body ached he wanted to lye there and cry for hours but he saw the sun was setting and forced himself up. He couldn't go home like this his mama would kill him for sure. Once he stood he noticed he had a headache that hurt just as bad as a punch to the nose. He didn't know where to go or what to do. Suddenly he though Eddies he would go see Eddie surely if he could get past his mother Eddie could help fix him up.

   He hauled himself around for what seemed like days stopping here and there to sit down and take off his bloodied glasses and close his eyes. He didn't know what he ever did to deserve to get the shit beat out of him but he didn't ponder on it too much because he knew life was life and what happens happens. Still didn't make it fair.

    By the time it was getting pitch black outside Richie saw the lights of Eddies neighborhood and dragged his lanky broken self down his street. He didn't think either him or his mother would be awake but he walked to eddies window and knocked on it a few times. He stood there for a few minutes until he saw Eddies face appear.

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