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This is dedicated to those who feel like they're sinking. Don't worry, you have wings, you can fly. Just believe, hold on tight, I'll be here lifting you up! Keep smiling, keep loving, and keep believing. :) Know that people's lives were better because of you. And you're amazing. :)

This is a personal poem of mine so haha :) Hope you like it. I've been hesitant in posting this. :)

The ashes rise far, above the sinking clouds,
Dirty, dirty, so dusty and dark's the world.
Such coldness seeps, like leaking gas, its inking despair,
What gasping breath could never hold, the shattered truth told.

No hand dare rise, above the golden blackness,
No soul dare smile, below the grim Tartarus,
No heart no mind no song no words can describe,
The sorrowful mind of the crumbling clouds.

It's sinking, sinking, slowly but steadily,
Shaking, fervor, shattering smoothness above,
It's sinking, sinking, laughing and crying.
The clouds all mist as they all cry their tears of why.

They know they are falling, below and beyond.
No life vest no guide, not even a strand of sunlight.
They know the storm is falling, even thunder stops striking.
It seems there's nothing else but the sinking fond.

So beautiful, terrifying, dangerous, and hopeless.
But still it's sinking, sinking despair into the darkest abyss.


Author's Note:

I know we often feel like we're suffocating and sinking and that there's no way out, but there is. You just got to find it within you. We all have wings to fly, we all have a heart, and don't forget to look up. I know it's cheesy, but I'll be there for you if you want to talk okay? And don't be afraid to put your hand up and out to let someone pull you up. You're not alone. :)

Just remember that you can make it through, you're strong, you're amazing, you're unique and this experience can make you stronger than ever! And you will learn to see the light in the dark, and hear music everywhere within you and around you. Close your eyes and feel the miracles and beauty of this world and please smile. :)

Keep Loving! ~

And, last but not least...

~You are amazing.

~You are awesome - because you are reading this, kidding, you are still awesome.

~You are phenomenal.

You are amazing in more than a million different ways.

~ Winter :D 

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