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Youngi's POV

Years flew by and Soon , both Donghyun and I graduated from High school. We each went to the career path that we wanted , despite our differences , we managed to stay together still.

I went to a all girls college while Donghyun went to a Mixed Gender College.

I gave up on pursing music since I found a better job choice and my parents agreed with it.

I started to have passion for cooking , it just seemed so fun and not trying to brag but I can cook pretty well.

Donghyun on the other hand is still persistent about his dream for music. His parents aren't okay with it though , he would often rant to me about his problems and I do too.

Since I ended school earlier today , I decided to pop by Donghyun's College. I waited till his school ended and I saw him walking out with his group of friends , a mixture of both genders.

He didn't noticed me and just walked past me.

I felt a little sad but I shall not be a petty little woman. I think his heading out for some project so I messaged him and asked him.

He said that his doing project at the fast food restaurant near his house , also known as the fast food restaurant near my house.

I decided to pop by since my parents asked me to get myself lunch so I decided to get fast food so that I would be faster in problem solving.


I changed into a simple outfit , just a plain top with a pair of ripped jeans and a pair of sneakers that I got as a present from Donghyun.

I tied my hair into a side braid and I didn't wear my huge glasses today.

I'm pretty much like a blind mice but I don't know , I want to seem presentable to Donghyun's friends and his friends are all really good looking so I have to make a good impression otherwise they would hate me for looking ugly.

I walked to the fast food restaurant but I saw no sign of Donghyun around.


Just then , I saw one of Donghyun's friend so I approached him and he smiled at me before introducing himself.

" Hi , " I said awkwardly , " Do you perhaps know who is Donghyun ? Kim Donghyun. " He nods and he points to the direction of Donghyun's house.

" His at his house with the rest of his friends. " He chuckled.

I thanked him before going to Donghyun's house.

I felt like a stalker. I feel like I should trust him but Just something about it made me uneasy.

I reached the gate to Donghyun's house. I took a deep breath before opening it since his gate is always unlocked and his parents gave me the rights to enter whenever I want.

I heard laughters coming from Donghyun's room.

I walked up to his room in a slow pace and the sound of the laughters gradually became louder and louder till I opened the door.

I saw Donghyun sitting on the bed with three other really pretty girls. I didn't know what to do at that moment as all of them stared at me.

" I-I-Nothing. "

I turned around and rushed down the stairs.


I took deep breaths as I tried to control my tears from flowing down. I might be thinking too much but him lying to me just made it worse.

I felt a hand gripping my wrist.

" Youngi-ah , " I turned around and faked a smile ,
" Why are you here ? I'm fine. You should go back to your friends. "

He shook his head.

" I don't want to. " He hugged me , " I don't want to if my girlfriend came to my house just for me. " He held the back of my head.

" I love you. "

" Why did you lie to me then ? " He seemed shocked. " Why did you say that your at the fast food restaurant when your not ? "

" I-I-Look , " I pushed him away , " I had enough of all your fake excuses that you used. I get that your good looking and you want pretty girls by your side. I'm sorry for not being pretty enough. "

I felt a pair of arms around my waist.

" I have never felt that way , You are who you are and you being you is the reason why I fell in love with you. I think your beautiful , no matter what. "

He made me face him.

" Don't think of such silly things anymore , okay ? " Tears flowed down my cheeks , " I-I don't know. " He smiled and he dragged me back to his house.

" This is the reason behind why I lied to you. "

The light shone against the wall and a footage of everything that had happened between Donghyun and I appeared on the wall.

" Do you love me ? " Donghyun asked and I chuckled while saying no. He grabbed me by my waist and laid his chin on my shoulder , " Say it again. "

" I don't , Mr Kim. " He pouts and he hugged me.

" I love you too. " He said to himself.

Watching those footage made me think about what we had been through and it made me realised how much we had grown.

He came to me and hugged me.

" I will love you for who you are , no matter how old or how you look. I love you and I promise I do till the very end. " He stroked my hair and he giggled.

" I find myself so lucky to have you as my girlfriend , the girl that I first met at the tuition center and then we became classmates and match make partners and now , couple. "

He gazed into my eyes.

" I promise you with all my heart that I will never hurt you and I will try to make you happy , if possible , the happiest woman on earth. " I chuckled and I hugged him.

" And I promise you with all my heart that I will never think lowly of myself and I will try to always be positive for you and I will love you for eternity ! " He laughed.

He pulled out a rose from his pocket and he shot me a cheeky smile , " It got a little bend. "

I shook my head , " It's fine. "

" This rose shows the life span of my love for you , " He smiled at me.

" Because it's a fake rose and it will never wilt. "

10th June 2017

It's the last chapter and I'm in Hongkong right now :D

Thank you guys for reading and Please check out my New story which is a Renjun story ! :D and if you haven't done so , please read my Jihoon's story if you want :)

Bye for now :D

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