Black Bay

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It was a stormy night, I remember it very well. The waves were as big as bears and they made the boat roll. They had been sailing for days and the pads on my paws were hard and stung. I didn't know where we were heading since i didn't understand every word the captain says. I don't think he would have told me if he could have anyway. A small beam of moonlight fell on my snout and I looked up. I didn't understand where it came from since the sky was full of clouds. But there it was, a small opening in the clouds. Big enough to let through some of the moonshine. As I was looking at it the captain shouted something. He had raised me as a pup on his boat and I knew exactly what he said. Land had been spotted. I raced to the front of the boat and looked ahead of it. But I saw nothing but grey splashes of water that shot in my eyes. 

I heard someone call my name and looked back. One of the pack was standing behind me, looking at me. I returned his gaze and tilted my head a little because I couldn't understand what he wanted from me. And clearly he wanted something. His voul beardy face was turned down towards me and his peeky eyes were staring at me as tho I had done something terribly wrong. His hand went towards me but I stayed where I were. Being on this boat for so long I had learnd the ways of the crew. If you cowered they would hurt you. Luckily thats all they did so far thanks to the captain. Damian was his name, or, thats what the pack called him. The hand petted my head and after doing that the pack member walked away again. Leaving me a bit confused. 

It didn't take long for the ship to get to land. It was a fast build galleon and being in a storm it was quite fast. After a while I had spotted it too. We were heading towards a black/rocky bay where we would take shelter during the storm. I got tired of watching and went to the captains cabin to lay in front of the door as I always did. A blanket lay there and it was soft and cozy. From my blanket I could see about the whole ship and the pack working to keep the ship going. In my early days I would try to help, but it would only end in me getting beaten up. So I didn't do that anymore. The door next to me opened and I stood up almost imediatly. The captain walked out and stopped to give me a pet over my head. I would die for him, he was the best man on the ship. All the others were mean and gave me beatings. But the captain, he actually showed companionship. He was my best friend and I think I can say that I was his too. We had allready been through many adventures together, and he had saved my life more than once. But I had saved his a few times too. 

The ship laid anchor in the the bay and the pack gathered in the small boats to get to land. Me and the captain went with them. Me to look for any trouble and threats, the captain to make sure everything was okay. He never sent his pack somewhere he wouldn't go himself, Damian was a great pack leader. The small boats were very sensitive to waves and could tip over. But most of the waves didn't make it into the bay. So it was safe for them to get in and go to land. Still I always got a bit scared inside the smaller boats. I knew nothing would happen and I trusted the captain. Also I could swim if it tipped over. But still something inside me scared me when I was in them. The small boats slowely went to the beach, and when we got close enough I jumped off and swam to shore. Happy to get off the small scary boat. 

The moment I set foot on land all my hairs rose. I had no idea what it was but something felt bad. I growled and the captain looked at me, giving me the commando to look around. So I sprinted off into the forrest. My paws flew over the ground and all my muscles protested as I sprinted after spending days on a boat. But I loved it, it made me feel alive. Green flashes shot past as I ran through the forest. I sensed something, but wasn't shure of what it was. I knew I was headed directly at it. The sun shined above me and warmed my wet coat as I ran. Suddenly I skitted to a halt. There it was, the thing I had sensed, the hairs along my spine started to raise and I started to growl.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2017 ⏰

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