Happily Ever After

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Shubble's POV

It has been two weeks since the incident with Death. There has been no sign of him so far and I believe that Graser got rid of him permanently. Graser is still being held in the hospital however we are also officially dating. Will has been taking me to the hospital to visit him, I am still not allowed to spend the night because he is still severely injured.

"Hurry up Will! We have to go!" I yell up the stairs. Will comes running down the stairs and is still throwing on his red jacket.

"Ok, ok, I'm coming. Let's go," we head to the car quickly and head to the hospital. As always I am excited about seeing Graser. We realised or love for eachother and now I can't wait to see him each and every day. We arrive at the hospital then Will and I go to Grasers room. He is still quite weak right now.

"Hey Shelby, hey Will. How are you guys doing?" He asks us. I smile at him, he cares about us even when he is the one in the hospital.

"Were fine," I sit down next to his bed, "The real question is, how are you?" I asked.

"I am fine. Especially since you are here... And you too Will," Will and I laugh, he had just been standing there the whole time. My happiness fades slightly.

He had multiple broken bones and had a cast basically everywhere. He was hardly allowed to move and was on like one million painkillers. He also has to has a surgery tomorrow to fix some other damage done to him. He is certainly not fine.

Graser's POV

Shubble and Will came to visit me every day. I always told then I was fine but I hurt, a lot. I was on a lot of painkillers, so why didn't it kill the pain! At least when Shelby came I felt better. I also heal slightly faster than normal humans so the doctors aid I would be out in a couple of months depending on how the surgery goes.

"Oh, Graser, your parents called. They said that they wouldn't be able to make it here for another month," Will said. I got a little angry about this. I almost died, I'm in the hospital, I also found the love of my life, and my parents can't bother to show up!

"Gaser," Shubble says, "It's ok, all of your friends are here for you." She can always find happiness in terrible situations. I hold her hand and we just smile at each other.

"Soooooo... I'm just going to go get some breakfast or something," Will says, snapping us back to reality. Me and Shubble just look over at him. We are blushing out of embarrassment. Will walked out of the room, most likely going to the cafeteria to get some food. Shubble and I spent the rest of the day talking. Then she had to go back with Will, I wasn't too sad because I knew she would be back tomorrow.

Six months later

Shubble's POV

Today is the big day! Graser and I are getting married! He proposed soon after he got out of the hospital, and we have been planning since. Both of our parents are here, Will is here, and all of our other friends are here too. I am in a sparkling white dress and my father is waiting to walk me down the aisle.

"Are you ready?" My father asks. I nod at him and he takes my hand. We open the doors, the music starts to play, the church is nicely decorated, we walk down the aisle and I stand in front of Graser, he has never looked better.

We go through the ceremony and afterwards Graser takes my hand and we go watch the sunset.

Graser's POV

Shelby and I watch the sunset, now this is the happiest day of my life. This time there are no interruptions. I know that Will and some of my other friends are watching everyware to make sure that nothing disrupts the moment we are having. With her by my side I know that we will live Happily Ever After.

A/N: Now that is the end of '#Grubble, A love story'. Just a happy ending to a somewhat sad story. Let me know what you think of it. Comments are appreciated. I hope that everybody enjoyed! :)

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