Chapter 2

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The week flew by fast for Hercules Mulligan. It wasn't hard to space out and distract yourself with dress making when it was a large passion of his. He actually did quite admire the green dress he had specifically designed for the buyer, he'd have to remember it.

When Saturday had rolled around, John had been the one to open shop and start the business for the day. His nose stuck in a book when he wasn't helping a customer or manning the register. It worked out pretty well, until Hercules came in.

"John, you should be working when I walk in here you know," Hercules had started when he came in, chucking his coat in the back room and grabbing his apron, "What if a customer gets to nervous to talk to you because you don't notice them coming in?"

"I'm sorry Herc, really, it's just really good. I've gotten farther into the book and I'm attached." John said hesitantly but complied by closing it and putting it under the counter. "Why are you a little late this morning?" He asked curiously.

"Well, I had to make a run to grab more fabric, but it's all in my car so we can pull it out later." Hercules explained before he moved toward the back of the store. "Have you wrapped the red dress yet?"

"No, you fold dresses much better than me, I thought I'd leave that to you." John said with a chuckle, making sure no one was coming in before moving back with Hercules. "It's laid out back here with the box next to it, I got it ready for you."

"Alright, that works, I'll fold it right now. Go man the counter," Hercules mumbled as he gently picked up the dress, leaving John to shuffle back to the register. Hercules checked for any minor or major mishaps that could happen when sewing a dress, eyes and hands dancing over the red fabric slowly.

Once he had made sure nothing was wrong, he began to gently fold the dress, folding in a way that would prevent too many creases in the sensitive fabric. Hercules placed it in the paper box gently, smoothing it out before placing the cover of the box on top. He reached for a pen that resided by the sewing needles and wrote a giant 'R' on it, signifying who it'd be sold to.

Hercules brought the box to John once finished, placing it on the counter. "This dress goes to Ms. Reynolds, remember that." He said curtly, beginning to move around the store to double check supplies and dust collection when John had hummed.

As he busied his mind, he slowly spaced out to think about how his business was running. Hercules was glad to be doing what he loved with a great friend of his who was able to tie him down, keep him centered on his work and not himself. Yet, John was the only person Hercules really had beside Gilbert, but Gilbert wasn't even that close to him. Hercules wanted something more, but he didn't know what yet.

His thoughts were distracted when he heard the bell from the door jingle, his lips working effortlessly to say, "Welcome to Mulligan's Boutique, how may we help you?" It took a while for him to look up, and when he did, Hercules knew he wouldn't regret it.

In front of Hercules stood a girl that was surprisingly not that much shorter than him, her eyes were bright and jumping around eagerly as she looked around the store. Her hair was curled, but long enough to seem merely wavy to a untrained eye. The yellow sundress hugging her frame contently as she finally spoke up to Hercules.

"Hi! I'm actually here to pick up a dress for a Ms. Reynolds." Peggy said softly, eyes excited by all the dresses she saw. "My name is Peggy, and well, Maria wasn't sure if I'd be able to pick up the dress, but I thought I could try." She explained as she opened her side bag to shuffle around and pull out the receipt Maria had loaned her. "Will this work?" She asked curiously as she held it out for Hercules to take.

Hercules took a deep breath before he found his words, taking the slip of paper from Peggy's hand gently. His eyes scanned the information, flashing up to Peggy on occasion before he nodded. "This seems like the receipt we gave her, let John double check and then I'll hand the dress over to you." Hercules said with a light smile, referencing for Peggy to follow him as he walked toward the counter.

"John, check this receipt please, Ms. Peggy is here to pick up Ms. Reynolds dress." Hercules slid the receipt over and watched as John took it quickly, "You got it, I'll check the record for it," John began to type on the small computer keyboard in front of him.

"So," Peggy began as she looked around, "How come I've never heard of this place before? It seems like such a lovely boutique." Peggy was excited, she'd definitely have to come here again. She wanted a new dress anyway.

"Well, we aren't the biggest boutique in business, plus we are stuffed on the busy street of Lee. Richmond is a hard place to start a business." Hercules explained with a curved grin, he loved talking about the fact that his business was one of the few small ones that survived. "We get by though, plus John here is a big help." Hercules clapped his hand on John's shoulder as he typed, causing him to jolt and then backspace a few before continuing to type.

"Interesting, Maria said she was really happy to find this place, seems like I'll have to come by again sometime. Would you happen to have any yellow, spring-like dresses in stock?" She asked eagerly, eyes sparkling at the idea of a new dress to wear for auditions. Her wardrobe was becoming repetitive from the small amount of dresses owned.

"Not currently, we have some milky yellow colors, but I think bold yellow suits you much better. If you would like to fill a request, I'd be happy to call you from the store and tell you how much it'd be." Hercules considered, he was finding a way to bring Peggy back to the store and he was excited.

"Really? Thanks," She accepted the compliment humbly, a light pink dusting her tan cheeks, "Oh, of course, I really like spring dresses, so whatever fits that style works for me. Yellow has always been my color so if that can be a part of it, that's all I'll need." She said quickly before she rummaged through her bag again, pulling out a notepad. Her eyes glanced around before a tin of pens was found on the corner of the counter, grabbing one so she could neatly scribble her number down and stick it on the counter. "Call me whenever works, I'd love to get a dress from here. Maria did say she was impressed by what she saw hanging around, I can't wait to see what you've made for her."

Hercules smiled at the enthusiasm the woman held, chuckling lightly. "Of course, I'll call as soon as I have a design done for you." He looked at John when he spoke up, "All the info matches boss, it's the correct receipt." John slid the box down in front of Peggy and smiled before he was pulling out his book again.

"Alright, well you can take the dress then Ms. Peggy." Hercules said and picked the box up to hand it over. "Thank you," She exclaimed before her eyes caught the book, "Oh! You're reading Alexander's new book, I've yet to start it, is it good?" She asked excitedly, her smile widening when John visibly perked up.

"It's amazing! You should get it when you have the chance, I won't spoil anything for you. I love Alexander's writing, it's truly breathtaking," John stated eagerly, his excitement getting the best of him as he rambled slightly, causing Peggy to chuckle. "Thank you, I'll be sure to grab it," She promised before looking back at Hercules, "Thank you again for the dress, I'll be awaiting your call." She stated before turning and leaving the small boutique, leaving Hercules breathless.

Hercules let out a sigh as he glanced at John, who he found to be smirking at him, "What?" He asked as his eyes hardened to their usual critique. "Oh, nothing! I just love observing how you manage to get awestruck." John complied before laughing softly as Hercules pursed his lips slightly. "Quiet, I need to design a dress." He mumbled and grabbed the sticky note with Peggy's number scrawled across it. His mind already racing with ideas for the perfect dress.


(( chapter 2 done!! art credit to : macaroon22 on tumblr 💛 ))

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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