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Niall's Pov

Breaking News! Harry's Styles being Slut shamed?

Last night Niall Horan, the fiancé and baby daddy to Styles went live on Twitter with a heart felt message to anyone who is slut shaming his baby mama. Now this is a surprise to everyone, considering that Harry has been quiet about the comments up until now.

Niall, who might I add is a professional UFC fighter, has always kept his cool on social media when it comes to the negative comments that him and his boy band member fiancé defiantly get. But when Niall went to live stream we were on the edge of our seats, most of his and Styles fans got their hopes up that it would be a baby name announcement.

Harry wasn't showing his face in the live stream but he was present, he had his hands clutching onto Niall's shirt and he had his face tucked into Niall's shoulder. Now Niall addressed this and said that he didn't want to show his "fans" that he was hurt. Horan has never directly told anyone that they should stop  calling his fiancé names, but it's about time!

Harry, according to Niall, has tried his whole life to please others. Up until now everyone just assumed that things were good for Harry. He never really spoke of his mom but fans have done some digging, and apparently she was arrested when Harry was going into the 9th grade. The charges were not released but it stated that both her and her second husband Robin were arrested at the same time and have since then been in jail. Which is a long time.

We want to say a huge thank you to Niall who finally put those haters down! We wish both boys the best of luck with their little boy and with their lives going forward.

I sighed and stood up, walking towards the balcony of the hotel and rubbing a hand over my face. Harry shifted in bed but didn't wake up. The live stream has been trending all day and hasn't stopped. Harry and I decided to take a baby moon last minute and we caught the quickest flight out to Hawaii. We were staying for a few days, something that was actually a ritual of ours. Before a big fight we'd take a vacation and go MIA for a few days.

This time though I wasn't focusing solely on training, we had plans and it would be a good and relaxing trip.
"Ni?" Harry mumbled sleepily. I turned around and smiled when I saw him sitting up.
"Hi baby. How was your sleep?" I asked softly. Harry shrugged and grabbed my hand and placed it on his stomach.
"Do you feel that?" Harry asked smiling. I nodded and stared down at his stomach in amazement as our little baby kept kicking my hand.

"He's trying to be like you. Maybe all that talking I've been doing has made him understand who you are." Harry said smiling.
"You've been talking to him? Like he can hear us?" I asked earning a nod from Harry as he grabbed his phone.
"Hi baby. You have had your daddy up all night. Maybe you should sleep when we do, we'll start you early so that when you come out you'll be trained." I said kissing just above Harry's belly button. I heard the snap of Harry's camera on his phone but it didn't stop me from continuing to talk to my son.

"In a few months we'll be able to hold you and you kick around all you want. You can even pee on me when I change your diaper if it means that you will sleep through the night." I mumbled earning a laugh from Harry. The kicking from our son subsided and I took that as a win for myself.
"I think you put him to sleep." Harry laughed. I nodded and sat up.
"So do you want to go to the beach?" I asked standing up and going towards our suitcase that we had ditched last night when we arrived to have some much needed sex.

"Sure. Let me just inform Louis that you didn't kill me after he left." Harry joked. I rolled my eyes and placed my hands on his hips.
"I'm sorry for being possessive when he was comforting you." I said earning a pleased look from Harry.
"I actually don't mind your possessiveness. Makes me feel safe." Harry said reaching into the suitcase and grabbing his trunks that were red.
"To be honest I really like these." Harry said pulling out my swim trunks.

"It's whatever." I shrugged sliding them on after putting a fresh pair of ethika boxers on.
"I'm not in the mood for boxers under my trunks." Harry said stripping down and putting on his trunks.
"Ok let's go." I said after he had slid on a tank top and grabbed his phone. He reached out and grabbed my hand and we went to the elevator after I grabbed a key to our room.

We walked down towards the beach that was right out of the back of the hotel and Harry bought some sunscreen that I had forgot to pack. We walked out to the beach and we sat in the sand after we had put sunscreen on. There was nobody on the beach due to the fact that the area that we were in was reserved for the top floor of guests. Harry slid his trunks down a little to even out his tan lines and I stayed face down in the sand.

"I wouldn't mind living here one day." Harry commented after a few moments of me tanning and him pretending to be texting someone when really he was taking pictures of me.
"Me either. It'd be a nice place to raise kids, it's really calm here." I said earning a hum of agreement from Harry. He placed his hand in my hair and played with my hair while I tanned.

We had decided after about ten minutes more of tanning that we would get in the water. Harry had placed his phone in a waterproof case and I had brought a bag to place in my pockets that zipped. We got into the water and I walked out until the water was up past my belly button and Harry did the same. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I played with the hair at the nape of his neck while we just relished each other's touch.

I defiantly wouldn't mind doing this everyday. And something told me that Harry wouldn't mind either.

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