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❝I am not what I am.❞


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Act I: Basic Information

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Act I: Basic Information

name: iago belmonte

alias/nicknames: none

age: twenty-three

sex/gender: male

species: as far as you know, he's human [wink-wonk]

occupation: traveling author and journalist for the most part; also a bounty hunter and mercenary/hit man on the side, and he's more than willing to get his hands dirty for the right price

sexuality: he'll accept anyone into his bed; however, on the topic of if he truly cares for any of them...well, do you consider him capable of truly loving another individual?

Act II: Physical Profile

Well, to put it simply, Iago is the human embodiment of 'pretty lies, ugly truths.' He's certainly a dashing young man, with tousled, dirty blonde hair, and rich blue eyes that have a habit of crinkling slightly when he smiles- and boy, his smile. You could swear his smile could brighten any dark and dismal moonless night. Such a shame it's so false, eh? Iago never grows out his facial hair beyond a five o'clock shadow; he finds it itchy and uncomfortable. Sturdily built with broad, muscular shoulders, Iago represents all the carnal elegance that Michelangelo himself would have loved to depict in his art. He's practiced in the art of hiding his emotions and intentions; even Desdemona, one of the most perceptive girls he's admitted to meeting, was unable to fully read him. Iago isn't as eloquent as his friend Othello, and his language is far more vulgar, pocked with occasional cynicism and innuendos. Iago isn't from affluent origins as his friend is, so he definitely comes across as more coarse than the poetic Othello. However, it hardly matters. His beauty and charming smile and smooth, silky voice makes him so easy to trust- how could something so comely possibly be vile, after all? As I said, Iago himself is a pretty lie- his visage masks the ugly truth.

Act III: Character Profile

Some people are whispered and rumored to be 'two-faced.' If that is truly the case, then Iago must have twenty different faces at the very least, and he's an expert at concealing all of them. He's such a complex and twisted character, it's impossible to tell his intentions or his motives. Only Iago knows, and he delights in not talking. He plays the honest and sympathetic ear to a perfected 'T,' obscuring the villain lurking beneath his exterior. Because make no mistake, despite his seemingly genuine sympathetic and truthful nature, Iago is a vile and miserable excuse of a man. What makes him so deadly is the fact that he can lie and deceive, while still being considered one of the most honest men you could ever meet.

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