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The moon shone bright, and nearly full in the sky, its radiance giving the forest an ethereal glow in which was the only thing that illuminated the dark forest.
    For mere moments, he was just a silvery blur, in which the only sounds heard were from his paws hitting the ground. The highest members of his pack, his Beta along with multiple warriors followed a whiles away behind him as he was faster then each of them due to the Alpha blood that ran through his veins.
     Power radiated off of him, in either wolf or human form. It wasn't hard to tell he was the alpha of a very respectable pack.
     He stopped suddenly, and quickly shifted to where he stood tall as a human, most obviously nude.
     It was normal to be clothless around your pack members, but as he was after-all less then a quarter mile away from the boundary line where he'd be conversing about a peace treaty between his one pack and the neighboring one.
he'd quickly change into a pair of shorts to cover his er man parts.
    He stood for a moment before the rest of those who'd tagged along finally made it to where he stood. After they were all shifted, and clothed appropriately they walked in a group behind Alpha Grayson.
     He stopped at the boundary line, and looked forward, The others lining up behind him. It seemed as if they were the first to arrive.
The full moon was when the werewolves, the wolf within them grew restless, their bloodlust heightened by the animalistic pull of the moons lunar phases.
     A lithe, slender wolf rushed through the dark shadows of the trees that seemed to stretch for miles around them. The wolf was smaller than the others of his pack, he was the Omega of the Nightshade Wolfpack.                 
The pack was on their way to the borders to meet with the Wolfsbane pack that they shared the border with.
      The small, brown wolf slowed to a walk, his tail drooping between his legs as he ducked his head submissively as their Alpha, a large male wolf that was jet black with a body of hard muscle shifted, the higher ranked wolves shifting behind their leader and pulling on the clothes that had been tied around their necks.
     The Omega, Casey, was his name, remained as a wolf as he lowered himself to the ground, laying on his front with his paws laid out in front of him, his haunches laid flat. His head laid on his paws, his ears flattened submissively as his alpha cast the Omega a look to make sure that he was doing his job incase aggression broke out amongst their packmates.
Once everyone had gotten down onto their respectable positions, Alpha Greyson looked straight ahead his lips sown into a straight line.
    The air was silent despite there being so many living bodies around, a slight breeze wafting throughout the air. Though the alpha stood still, unshowing of any expression or emotion a particular scent tickled the bridge of his nose.
    He didn't stray his eyes from the alpha of the Nightshade pack, and stepped foreword once. His own aurora basically shoved off power, as did the other packs Alphas did.
    He spoke, his voice basically booming throughout the air as he did so, "We've proposed a peace treaty between the two packs." He stated clearly.
Casey sat back on his haunches as he twitched his ear, remaining quiet as he finally shifted into his human form, a slender boy with shaggy, shoulder length brown hair. His eyes were strange and stood out easily for one was gold and the other silver. Lifting his head he looked around the various gathered wolves as he paused, his nose catching a scent, his eyes flicking back and forth as he tried to pinpoint the scent. He was handed a shawl and tugged it around himself to hide his body from view as well as the bitter wind.
     The alpha stood tall, his eyes gleaming in the light of the nearly full moon. "As am I aware. And why have you proposed a treaty now of all times?" He asked. The wind blew their scents towards the other pack, Casey's own scent being carried upon the wind as well as the Omega kept his head down, listening to the sounds of the wind and the alphas negotiating a treaty.
This time, the Wolfsbane packs Alpha caught the stronger nose tingling scent,   His let his eyes stray momentarily confusion overtaking him before he remembered where he was.
He breathed in, using his will power not to let his eyes stray once more to find the source of the sweet scent. Could it mean...?
His eyes flashed over momentarily, but he answered the opposing werewolf not moments after he'd asked his question.
"Rogues." He stated simply, "More have been popping up. Not to long ago we got some information out of one. They're planning something. The wolves of this land, our packs should unite and protect our sacred territories." His voice carried out strongly, Authority dripping form each of the words spoken.
If anything their alpha should understand that. In all actuality, Alpha Greyson couldn't help but to be confident in the fact that his pack– being one of the strongest around could get through these times, but it'd help having more wolves, resources.
After everything, all the odds the treaty benefits both sides.
That scent that carried to him upon the wind, it had the small sized Omega lift his head and peer around, his discoloured eyes focusing on the opposing pack as he remained quiet, forced himself to remain where he stood despite the inner howling of his wolf for him to find the owner of that scent. James shifted his weight as he lowered his head again, becoming restless as the scent only seemed to increase. He felt himself shiver, dropping his head at a low growl from the Alpha of his pack and swallowed tightly, squeezing his eyes shut as he focused, inhaling the scent.
    The Alpha met the other Alphas eyes and remained still, his head raised and eyes boring into the leader as he remained silent, sizing up the other Alpha in silence. "Rouges," he began, his voice sharp, "are packless. Therefore they are weak, alone." He folded his arms over his chest as he noticed the distracted glance of the other, "is there a problem, Wolfsbane?" He asked, voice taking on a soft growl, more of a warning to demand the proper respect he deserved. "Why should we be paying attention to a few rouges when we have the coming winter to live through, this one will be the heaviest in decades. Pups will die if there isn't proper preparation."
"The rogues, are teaming up. Creating their own pack." He stopped the growl that was close to erupting. He wanted the packs united yes, but that didn't mean he necessarily needed it. The wolfsbane pack was known if not for their skillful warriors, but for the lineage of great doctors the moon goddess had gifted them. "We both know, after what happened the decade before the last that we should at least be prepared, of something were to happen." What happened nearly 2 decades ago wasn't a secret, an all out war that was carried out for far to long ended then, it resulted in multiple fatalities more then half of them caused by rogues. "As for the winter. I completely agree." He continued on talking about the winter with the other Alpha, though internally he was trying to calm his wolf whom seemed to be screaming at him. The words, though faded out as he willed himself to pay attention as he spoke.
At the mention of the rouges teaming up, the Alphas eyed narrowed angrily at this thought as his lips pulled into a thin frown. "We can't have them catching any of us in surprise, if they gain enough members then they could overrun us." He murmured, frowning deeply as he shook his head, his eyes narrowing further as the war was brought up, he'd lost many good wolves to that war. It had happened when he had been young, inexperienced. "We accept your proposal of an alliance." He finally stated with finality in his tone as he uncrossed his arms, holding his hand out to the other Alpha. "We shall merge together and fight as one if it comes to that." He stated.
James was having trouble fighting back the soft whimper that wanted to bubble up, he needed to find that scent. That was his...mate. He knew it somehow, could feel it deep within his stomach, coiling and curling there, his wolf howling, scratching as it attempted to take him over to find its mate. He was an Omega, it was forbidden for him to have one.
Alpha Greyson nods, holding his own hand out to the alpha in front of him to shake firmly. Meanwhile his wolf had gotten louder, screaming out that something was near-bye. He inhaled, willing not to look away from the one in front of him only to breath in more of the sweet scent. His wolf howled, echoing in his head before one word followed after, "Mate.. Mate.... mate!" He stayed, under control though and finished, "We will share anymore information that may come about the Rogues." He stated, his voice still deep with the slightest change in it as he was still trying to calm his wolf. He couldn't disrespect the Alpha of the neighboring pack that much was obvious, all he had to do was wait one more minute.
The alpha took Alpha Greyson's hand and clasped it firmly as they shook, eyes meeting Greyson's eyes as he remained quiet, watching the other closely with narrowed eyes before he released the others hand. Turning to look at his pack he nodded to them, his Wolves shifting at the command of their Alpha. "We will be on the look-out for any rouges that we see." He said and turned, shifting smoothly into the large black wolf as he took the front of his pack and began to run.
     James practically whimpered as he saw the Alpha give the nod and shivered, biting down upon his lip as he squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. His wolf was howling, throwing a fit within him and demanding that he find the scent. At the growl from a fellow packmate he turned his back slowly and shifted, running behind his pack back to their settlement where their pack lived.
Alpha Greyson stood there for a minute, his dark eyes boring in the way the others pack had run. The scent carrying with it, so it must've meant what he thought it did.
His mate was in the other pack, he wanted nothing more then to run after them. But knew their alpha would take it as a threat. He'd lasted a grand total of 31 years. He could last a few more days.
In all honesty he'd given up on having one long ago, as their kind normally found their mates around between the ripe age of 18 and 25. So now that he knew that he had one, he most definitely wouldn't give them up. 'He will be mine..' his inner wolf growled. 'He?' He asked in confusion. Alpha Greyson could feel sense the wolf smirking as he slowly descended, settling from his mind.
He turned back to his own back, and spoke loudly in his Alpha tone "Everyone, to your homes. No one should stay out after dark. Warriors step forward, we'll talk about the patrolling arrangements."
Most everyone ran off, towards their respected homes more deep into the woods and mountains more then anything. While the warriors stayed.
After settling a few things with him, everyone was dismissed and he quickly shifted into his abnormally large, even for an alpha, silver wolf deciding he'd go on a run before heading to meet his council.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2017 ⏰

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