
122 8 43

UPDATE: Depending on which place you receive, you now get a specific prize. Effective 7/15/17

1st Place-

•I will participate in your own Name that Apprentice game. 

•Two free aesthetics from my aesthetics shop book. 

•Reads on one of your books. 

2nd Place-

•I will participate in your own Name that Apprentice game. 

•One free aesthetic

•I will come up with a description for a Warriors character for you. 

3rd Place-

•One free aesthetic

•I will participate in your own Name that Apprentice game. 


-You claim your prize by commenting below what place you got in which round, and I'll reply to you as soon as possible.

-For the aesthetics, you still have to fill out a form in my shop in order to claim yours. 

-I notify the winners of each round by tagging them in a comment. 

Name that Apprentice! (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now