Chapter 3

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Hey guys,

So this is chapter 3 :)If you want me to add something in this story I will, also I need some names for this story and ‘Gone In A Heartbeat’, so if you want your name in it. Comment something nice + your name and ill choose the best ones :)



Louis’ POV

I was walking around the markets as usual after a robbery. I looked left and I saw the boy from yesterday. We locked eyes, but I quickly turned away. I stopped walking, and before I could think I walked over in his direction. “Hey can I have a smoke?” I ask casually, I dont usually smoke,  but if I need to, to talk to his boy, I’ll do it in a heartbeat. “Uhh, yeah sure.” He handed me the packet. I took one with a smile and he handed me the lighter. I lit it and took a drag. I instantly relaxed. “Cheers mate.” I said smiling. The lad continued to look at me as if he recognised me. Oh shit. “You know, pictures last longer.” I say, turning to face him. He just looks at his feet and blushes. Oh my god, he is so cute when he does tha- why do I keep thinking this?! I chuckle, “You’re different…” I pause because I didn’t know his name. “Harry, Harry Styles.” He says smiling.  “You’re different Harry Styles.” Oh how I loved the way it rolled off my tongue, it felt natural. Ok something is wrong here. I’m not even gay yet I think this! “What’s your name?” Harry asks. “Louis Tomlinson.” I say not even thinking twice. Usually I give a fake name, but I felt like I could trust Harry. He just nodded. Harry looks at his phone, “Well, Louis. Nice meeting you but I have to go.” He says starting to walk away. “Wait!” I call out… what was I doing? “Can I get your number? So we can like ya know, get to know each other.” I ask the curly haired lad. “Sure.” We exchange phone numbers and go our separate ways. I was walking for at least 5 minutes when my phone vibrated. It was a text from Harry.

From: Harry <3

Hey its Harry J

I smiled.

To: Harry <3

Hey J

I sent the simple reply. I shoved my phone in my pocket and continued to walk, a goofy grin stretched across my face. 

From: Harry <3

So what are you doing later?

To: Harry <3

Nothing. Why?

From: Harry <3

Wanna come over later?

To: Harry <3


Harry gives me his address and I quickly run home to get ready. I pull on a pair of black skinnies and a white button up shirt, a faded denim jacket, black vans and a grey beanie. I leave my hair flat and take a quick glance in the mirror before jumping into my car and heading over to Harry’s. I have a feeling I will somehow regret becoming this boys friend. I don’t know why. It just feels wrong. I pull up in the driveway and get out. I go to knock but I’m stopped my someone singing.

“Hey there Delilah,

What’s it like in New York City?

I’m a thousand miles away

But girl, tonight you look so pretty

Yes you do.

Times Square can’t shine as bright as you

I swear its true”

 (A/N Sorry That is my favourite song of all time)

I listen to the voice and it stops. I knock on the door. And Harry answers it. “Hey Louis.” He says with a smile. “Hey Harry.” He steps aside to let me in. “You have a really nice singing voice.” I say with my back turned, taking in his house. it was rather large and quite beautiful. I turned around and harry had a deep blush set on his face. He was adorable. Oh my god. Why? “You heard that?” I nod. “Hey there Delilah

Don't you worry about the distance

I'm right there if you get lonely

Give this song another listen

Close your eyes

Listen to my voice, it's my disguise

I'm by your side”

I sing the next verse back to him. I step closer. Honestly I don’t know what I was doing. But I felt compelled by him. He stepped closer as well. What was I doing? Harry leant forward. And I closed the distance. Our lips pressed together softly. I pulled back with a blush creeping across my face. Harry walked over to the couch. I was slightly shocked. But I followed. “Lou?” Harry questioned. “Yes Haz?” I spin around to face him. “Will you be my boyfriend?” He asked with an innocent face. I couldn’t say no. “Yes.” I said before crashing my lips into his.

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