"One choice to deside your future, deside very carefully now choose." Said Ali.
Ali has light brown eyes with long brown hair, he is about five foot ten and he is about 31 years of age, very skinny and bonny with this black suit on.(God dam it, I just know that there was a time there you could make a disesion and if you didn't like it you could go back and change it, but now... what happened?)
What what, sorry?
"Alex you need to chose, make a wise decision because there is no turning back"(I stear at the boxes in front of me one says carer, the next pusher, growers, desiders and creaters. There is so many, which one?, all of them have there ups and downs.)
"Alex!, you really have to deside now."
(I speak up and say), I want to be a desider.
(Ali waves his hand across the air and points to the desiders group and where they were sitting, I step forward to see that the group was really really small compared to the other four groups. I walk to the front and sit in the empty set, next to me was a balled headed man and he whispers some thing.)
"You have made the biggest mistake of our life".Now everyone Ail started to say, we have a very big issue here today, someone in the crowd has done some think thing very very wrong. This person has changed their mind and I am here to show you what we do to people who change there mind.
(Just then Ali looks right at me.)"Come here now!"
(I was about to stand up but the man next to me stands up and walks towards Ali and he just bows his head and stands there in silence.)"Now changing your mind is sinning your own death sentence!
(As soon as he said it, Ali ripped the man's head clean off with his own bear hands.)
(No one said a word)
"Good, now off you go."_______________________________
Ok hi guys I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, I would like to say that it does get more existing in the next couple of chapters.Please please comment and like and please share.
Loves kittycat2410.
Ohhh yea now this story is going to have a lot of people in it so I need personalizes, so if you would like to have a part in my book send me a name and then two words to describe yourself one good and one bad aspect. That is if you want. ♡♡
one choice
General Fictionone choice no turning back, what will you do? Alex is a 16 year old girl that doesn't know what she has got her self in after choosing what you would call a life changer.